Liberia’s FDA burns huge bush meats

The consignment of meat was burnt at the FDA headquarters outside Monrovia. Courtesy of Shelton Gonkerwon

By Joseph O. Sayon


As part of efforts to protect the Country’s wildlife, the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) Wednesday April 24, burnt a huge consignment of confiscated bush meat in an attempt to discourage the random killing and selling of bush meat.

 The meats were seized in separate locations including Owen Grove check point, Gola National Park community and Yarkpa Town in Rivercess County.

 According to the FDA Technical Manager for Commercial, Jerry Yonmah, animals that are declared protected species are being targeted and killed for personal gains.

 Mr. Yonmah said Liberia is signatory to  too many conventions that prevent the killing and selling of protected animals.

Liberia is signatory to the CITES convention.

 He emphasized that FDA will not relent in its quest to ensure that Liberia’s Wildlife gets the needed protection.

 Mr. Yonmah said the seizure and burning of this huge consignment of bush meat by the Forest Agency will serve as deterrent.

 He said though FDA cannot put to halt the killing of bush meat, the entity has put into place measures to stop the random killing of bush meat for commercial purposes.

 Mr. Yonmah said the meats were confiscated from those who have refused to adhere to the laws of protecting the Country’s wildlife.

 He acknowledged that people are heavily killing wildlife on a daily basis in the Country for commercial purpose and disclosed that Government through the FDA will do everything to reduce the massive killing and selling of bush meat.

 Mr. Yonmah said FDA is not against those who killed one or two bush meats to consume, but those who killed them in huge quantity to sale

 Wednesday’s exercise marks the fourth burning of confiscated bush meat by the FDA.

 Some of the Bush meats confiscated are Chimpanzee, Giant Pangolin, Earth Deer, and Royal Antelope among others.

 Wildlife is seen daily on the market in Monrovia. More than 1,000 pieces of bush meats were part of the consignment that was burnt on Wednesday.