World Press Freedom Day: IFJ stands up for safe and independent elections coverage

Photo credit: IFJ

Ahead of official  celebration World Press Freedom Day  around the World on May 3, 2019, the International Federation Journalists (IFJ) is calling for a safer environment for journalists working across the globe.

IFJ in a release issued Thursday May 2, 2019, said it will continue to advocate for safer and independent environment for all journalists.

In its campaign, the Federation has exposed the abuse of power, disinformation, internet shutdowns, self-censorship, harassment and violence as ongoing challenges facing journalists when reporting elections. 

The campaign is calling on governments to ensure a safe working environment for journalists to allow them to report with full objectivity, impartiality and balance and on all politicians not to stigmatise media. 

IFJ affiliates have been active in fighting for free and quality election coverage.

 AJI in Indonesia  supported a fact-checking campaign during the elections in April; APU in Uruguay campaigns against misinformation through developing an “Ethical Pact” for political groups to sign; the NUJU in Ukraine campaigned for presidential candidates to endorse a Declaration of Free speech, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo IFJ affiliates SNPP and UNPC collaborated with the Belgian APJ and the IFJ to train journalists across the country on election reporting in November.  

This year’s UN World Press Freedom Day‘s theme is “Media for Democracy: Journalism and Elections in Times of Disinformation”  and the  IFJ will address ongoing challenges facing journalists in elections and the importance of reporting fully and freely for the public to make informed decisions at events across the world.

Elections represent a test of political commitment to democracy, when the impulse to manipulate media and to control information is strongest among ruling parties and candidates running for office”, said IFJ President Philippe Leruth. “Too often, journalists are being put under huge and unnecessary pressure and we call on all governments to take specific precautions to allow journalists to report freely.”

In Liberia, journalists from all 15 counties in the country under the auspices of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) have converged in the tiny coastal city of Cestos, River Cess County for the celebration of this year’s World Press Freedom Day.

The press Union of Liberia has critical about the safety journalists and free speech in Liberia over the years.

 Bill Twehway, head of the National Port Authority will serve as keynote speaker at the occasion, the organizing committee said.

Unlike in other African countries, no journalist has been killed in Liberia since 2018.

The supreme court of Liberia is expected to hand down verdict into the death of journalist Tyron A. Browne who was murdered by Jonathan Williams, an employee of the UNDP in April 2018.

 24 year old  Tyron Browne worked as cameraman and video editor for Super Communications, owner of Super TV Channel 10 and Super FM 95.5, owned by Liberian businessman Cllr. George Bobby Kailondo.

IFJ testimonials

To support its campaign, the IFJ has compiled a series of testimonials from union activists across the world whose countries has just been through or will run elections this year and where election coverage has been marred by self-censorship, disinformation and attacks on media and the right to report.

In the Philipines, Nonoy Espina, chairman of NUJP points at the incidence of harassment and threats those results in increased self-censorship among journalists. “This tends to detract greatly from the quality of coverage, both of the election process and of candidates, although shallow reporting has also been a perennial problem” he says.

There is a cacophony of voices shouting everywhere. Disinformation is the biggest threat to any election process no matter how well the electoral framework is organized, and South Africa is no exception” says Tuwani Gumani, general secretary of Media Workers’ Association of South Africa (MWASA).

We noted a trend from politicians to systematically disqualify the work of journalists who publish information they don’t agree with », said Sophie Lejoly, deputy General Secretary at AJP, Belgium.

IFJ New Elections reporting tips

The IFJ’s new tips on elections’ reporting combine professional ethics and safety tips to support journalists around the world.

Raising standards in journalism to levels of public expectations during elections campaign is more relevant than ever before, in the current climate of fake news fuelling misinformation on increasingly influential social networks. At the same time, covering elections carries some safety risks, which journalists need to assess, prevent and reduce.” says Philippe Leruth.

The federation recalls that 18 journalists have been killed this year while carrying their jobs.

“No democracy is complete without access to transparent and reliable information. It is the cornerstone for building fair and impartial institutions, holding leaders accountable and speaking truth to power”, said  United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in a statement to mark the celebration of 2019 World Press Freedom Day.

World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. Since then, 3 May, the anniversary of the Declaration of Windhoek is celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day.

It is an opportunity to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom; assess the state of press freedom throughout the world;defend the media from attacks on their independence;and pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty.


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