Opposition Political Parties back June 7 Protest



Four Liberian collaborating opposition political have endorsed the Council of Patriots to stage the much-talked-about June 7 ‘Save the State’ demonstration, in demand for “good governance”.

The council of Patriots is a group of eminent Liberians planning to stage mass protest against the George Weah led administration due to bad what they termed ’bad governance’

Speaking at a press conference held Wednesday May 8, 2019 at the headquarters of the Alternative National Congress in Monrovia, Mr. Wilmot Paye, Chairman of the Unity Party, called on all four political parties to join the Council of Patriots in the protest.

The four political parties are Alternative National Congress (ANC), All Liberian Party (ALP), Unity Party (UP) and Liberty Party (LP).

Mr. Paye admonished all members, supporters, sympathizers and friends of the All Liberian Party, Alternative National Congress, Liberty Party and Unity Party throughout the length and breadth of Liberia and in the diaspora to lend maximum support to the Council of Patriots.

According to him this further proof of your resounding disapproval for the deteriorating economy, turn up in your hundreds of thousands beginning in June to draw the Government’s attention to your concerns

Paye also provided reason for endorsing the protest saying June is the best time for the protest.

 “Yes, June is good for you rubber tappers and plantation workers in Margibi, Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Grand Bassa, Maryland, Sinoe, Grand Kru, Nimba, and Bong Counties, ” he adds.

“This day will unite your voice with marketers, taxi drivers, motorcyclists, teachers and health workers to speak to the three (3) Branches of your Government seated on Capitol Hill.”

The opposition political parties noted that the economy would get worse in the if Liberians do not act now.