Solimar Int’l Study uncovers revenue potential for Liberia’s Ecotourism Development

Liberia tourist sector remains un-developed

The Solimar International, the world’s biggest tourism organization based in Washington D.C. has released to the government of Liberia through the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) the Sustainable Tourism Development study that tends to set the basis for practical growth in the tourism sector of the country.


The study basically featured the proposed and protected areas under the Liberia Forest sector project landscapes including Lake Pisco Multiple Use Reserve, the Sapo National Park and the Gola National Park.

The Forestry Development Authority (FDA) had secured support under the Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP) which led to the successful conduct of the study that identified potential ecotourism sites within the targeted forest landscapes.         

Essentially, the study assessed the level of income that could be generated from underdeveloped sectors (through ecotourism practices) within protected areas and adjacent communities in the foreseeable future.

Solimar International lead expert Mr. James Philips presented the document during an occasion graced by representatives of key actors in the sector on Friday October 11, 2016 in the Shad Kadea Board Room of the forestry development Authority including conservation partners and concerned agencies of government. First lady Clar Weah was in attendance through her Deputy Chief of office staff, Mr. James K. Kortu, Jr.

In a statement on behalf of the First Lady, Mr. Kortu said his presence at the program represented the First Lady’s commitment and passion for the nation’s Ecotourism development and by extension that of the president of Liberia, George Manneh Weah.

He then promised the First Lady’s unwavering involvement with activities in the forest sector to make sure that the beautiful dreams of the stakeholders, especially the FDA management achieve their practical results.

Mr. Kortu urged Liberians to adopt the practice of appreciating what nature has given us if others are to follow our examples.

He pledged to deliver the report to the First Lady upon her return to the country adding, “She will be passionate about it.” He thanked the FDA management and its partners for their collaborative efforts which he said are bearing fruits as far as the sustainable management of the forest is concerned.     

For his part, FDA Managing Director, C. Mike Doryen said there was need to celebrate about the report given its rich ingredients that have the possibility to bring light and growth in the tourism sector.

He expressed happiness over the level at which the FDA and collaborating partners are leaving no stone un-turned to ensure that the wildlife and protected area management law of the country is being implemented to the fullest.

He made reference to recent arrest and prosecution of the “notorious elephant killer in Lofa who is standing a one year jail sentence with a $USD2, 500.00 fined imposed among other previous cases, something he said deserves commendation.

He then thanked and encouraged the partners to remain focused and evermore vigilant in combating wildlife and forest related crimes so as to deter poachers at all times.

He used the occasion to caution all Liberians to see themselves as what he called “trail brazier” judging from their history making nature. He said Liberia should not be described as a failed state as is being insinuated in many quarters by detractors. He expressed the hope that Liberia is a nation that had in the past helped other nation take step away from a doldrums point to a place of independence.

FDA Managing Director Mike Doryen  endorses the report

He emphasized, “Let’s be proud of what nature has blessed us with; we are not a nation of failure but a nation that is noted for history making; a nation that will rise again and get out of the ashes of difficult times.

He called for greater private sector investment in the tourism sector while underscoring significant impact of the LIBBSA Ecolodge sanctuary, a tourist center located in Marshall, Margibi County.                

Meanwhile the movie industry in Liberia has pledged to promote ecotourism in concert with FDA and its partners. Making remark, the Movie industry President Mr. Frank Artus described the move by FDA as brilliant and nationalistic and hopes that his team will closely work with FDA to elevate the importance of Ecotourism among other things.  

The program was graced by the World Bank, USAID, UNDP, ministry of Information, REDD* and other key conservation partners such as FFI, CI, WCF, SCNL, LCRP, and AMBERO/GIZ.