Sehyikimpa road: Nimba authorities meet Chinese road construction firm

Officials of Nimba in meeting with Chinese construction

By Daniel Garteh


Nimba County administration the weekend held an acquaintance meeting with the China Railway seventh group a construction company that is expected to pave the Sehyikimpa Logatuo Road. 

The acquaintance meeting according to Superintendent Dorr Cooper, was intended to strengthen relations between the the company and the local county administration. 

He said the meeting was also intended to formalize themselves with the design of how the road will be like, what people whose property will be damage stands to benefit, where will the company site will be constructed among others. 

Speaking to reporters further, the Nimba County Superintendent explained that the coming of the company will provide job opportunity for young people alone the high way and the county and will also boost economy activities in the county more especially where the company is expected to work. 

Superintendent Dorr Cooper claimed that the contract was signed between the government of Liberia and the company through the Ministry of Public works, but they as local county administration needed to see and be aware of the kind of job that will  be done in their county. 

“We have to know the package or program designed for crops owner and people that their physical properties will be damage”, said Superintendent Dorr Cooper

The Nimba County Superintendent revealed that official groundbreaking ceremony for the commencement of major work will be done in November of this year by President George Weah. 

Superintendent Cooper maintained that they will collaborate with the construction company to ensure that a good work is done for the county and country.

China Railway seventh Group (CRSG) is a subsidiary of the construction conglomerate China Railway Group Limited with operations in Africa and Saudi Arabia. 

In West Africa, it is active in Guinea, Mali, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. It is also operates in Tanzania, Mozambique and Zambia. 

It can be recalled the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Public works on October 25, 2018 announced that it has secured EUR 6 million (USD 6.87 million) from the European union (EU) for the pavement of Sehyikimpa to Logatuo Road. 

The government communication at the time revealed that the project is expected to last for 48 months.