Nimba Youth Coordinator encourages young people to engage in agriculture

Newly cultivated Oil palm plantation in Nimba

By Daniel Garteh|National Correspondent


The Nimba Cordinator of the Ministry of Youth and Sports calling on young people of the county to be engaged agricultural activities because it is one way to earn better living.

Speaking to reporters in Sanniquellie over the weekend, William S. Mandein disclosed that agricultural is the bed rock for any nation and is the best bank to invest in if the country is to be food self-sufficient. 

The Nimba Youth Coordinator explained that agricultural is not only about growing vegetables or rice production, but investing in other cash crops that has the ability of giving more income.

He said that in order to realize such dream, his office is collaborating with the Yarpea Mah youth group to start the  cultivation of about 5 acres of land with oil palm  plantation.  

Mandein explained that the 3 years oil palm project for the Yarpea Mah youth is a pilot project, and when successful implemented, will help boost their experience for other youth groups across Nimba County.

Many young Liberians are mainly interested into politics and do not value agriculture as one to success.

The Nimba Youth Coordinator  told Liberia Public Radio’s Daniel Garteh that his intention is to make youths in the county to be self-reliance and productive than always depending on handout from politicians, something he said will not benefit them in the near future. 

“Young people have to take initiatives on their own and develop a mindset that they are the future leaders and should be preparing themselves for future challenges”, he adds. 

He also disclosed that engaging young people into positive activities in the community will help disabuse the minds of others who engage in acts that are unacceptable in society. 

 Mandein is at the same time calling on other humanitarian institutions and Nimbaians to help support the young people agricultural work to be expanded to other districts in the county. 

With the current 19 youth districts in Nimba under the Ministry of Youth and sports, Mandein said that his plan is to make all active with agricultural work that in order to help take vulnerable youths off the streets. 

He asserted that serious attention has to be given to agricultural in Liberia with more young people getting involved.