Lofa Supt. Wants citizens return to the soil for more food production

A young farmer in rural Liberia

By Daniel Garteh|LPR News Voinjama


Lofa Superintendent has encouraged his citizens of the county both home and abroad to return to the soil to grow more food. 

Speaking to our reporter  at his office in Lofa county Monday January 6, 2020, Superintendent William Tamba Kamba encouraged his citizens to take agricultural activities serious in the county. 

Superintendent Kamba disclosed that his county produces more food during the 2019 year more than any other county in Liberia. 

He however did not disclose the total amount of food produced by the county in 2019.

Prior to the civil war in Liberia, the northern county was considered as one of the bread baskets counties in terms of food production and supply to other parts of the country. 

The Lofa county superintendent explained that his dream of making the county gained its pre war status of food production can only be achieved through the collective efforts of his citizens and their willingness engage in agriculture activities. 

He called on citizens to stop depending on hand outs from donors and stop making the country a food dependent country. 

The superintendent said it was due to his leadership ability by engaging and encouraging citizens that the county was able to produce more food than any other county in 2019. 

The Lofa county governor asserted that he has  cultivated 4 acres of Yarm farm himself adding that leaders are people who should lead with examples. 

 Dollar Rally to rehabilitate roads

On road connectivity in the county, the superintendent Kamba told Liberia Public Radio correspondent in Voinjama that the amount of one million Liberian dollars was used from the county development form to rehabilitate road in the county. 

Superintendent Kamba further disclosed that his office is collaborating with the county legislative caucus and some prominent sons and daughters to lunch a dollar rally campaign to raise revenue to hire yellow machines for the rehabilitation of  some of the farm to market roads in the county.

The administration of supt. William Kamba in 2019 toured Lofa County to preach peace message as a way of unifying the citizens to work in moving the county forward. 

“Lofa has six tribes, and most of the tribes found here are across in Guinea and Sierra Leone, so we have to keep working together and sending the peace message to our people,” he adds.

Commenting on the issue of cross border trade and working with neighboring countries, the superintendent mentioned that his office has a strong relationship with superintendents of Guinea and Sierra Leone that are shearing common boundary with Lofa County. 

Superintendent Kamba revealed that his county will soon host superintendents of Guinea and Sierra Leone to have some friendly discussion as a means of cementing the peace that is existing among them.