Liberia: Health Authorities institute measures to avoid transporting of the Corona Virus to Liberia

Flashback: Chinese army medical team to Liberia

By Zoquay Beysolow Konneh/


Health Authorities in Liberia have increased surveillance, monitoring and good hygiene practices at various Ports of entries to prevent the Corona Virus from entering the Country.

Liberia’s Health Authorities instituted these measures judging from the experienced they had during the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease that exposed the weaknesses of the Country’s Health Sector resulting to the death of over 4,000 people.

The Head of Liberia Public Health Institute Dr. Mosoka Fallah said the decisions by Health Authorities to make such intervention at the various Ports of Entries, especially at the Country’s International Airport and Seaport stands from the facts that Liberia and China have a common trade ties.

Dr. Fallah said the trade ties between the two Countries allow Liberian and Chinese Merchants to trade in and out.

“We have also deployed ambulances and other medical materials at the Roberts International Airport and the Freeport of Monrovia to response anyone who will entry the Country and become to present signs and symptoms of the Virus.”

In terms of absolution, as you know during the Ebola Virus Disease, we created strategic absolution Centers across the Country so we has revised and strengthened some of these Centers, like the one at the Redemption Hospital to attend to anyone presenting with fever or symptoms.

However, Health Minister Dr.Wilhemina Jallah has cautioned public not to panic in case of any information regarding the symptom of the Corona Virus in Liberia.

People across china are being tested for high temperature

Dr. Jallah wants the media and the public to manage and seek proper information from Health authorizes to avoid fear.

She is however urging Liberians and other residents at like to trust the ability of Health workers and the government of Liberia response to any outbreak.

Dr. Jallah expressed the hope that Liberia Business people will observe the current situation in China by suspending their travel for now in the Asian Country.

Meanwhile, the Health Minister is admonishing Liberians and other foreign residents to revert to the culture of hands washing.

The Economy of Liberia suffered the aftermath of the 2015 Ebola Virus Disease and so since then the Government of Liberia has been during everything to avoid such outbreak.

So far, the action by the government of Liberia does not amount to imposition of travel restriction for people coming from China and other Asian countries.