SAMBLET- LIBERIA, a local Liberian Charity organization has presented several sporting materials for use by less fortunate rural school going children in Liberia.
On February 20,2020, Executive Director Amb Gbarwee Head of Finance Mr. Solomon P. Gbarwee and Mr. Junior Gonquoi Volunteer met Mr. Doc Lawson who donated Five(5) sets of jerseys, Nine(9) pieces of Soccer balls or Footballs including many different assorted sporting materials and clothes.
Mr. Lawson said that the gesture was his organization own way of encouraging SAMBLET-LIBERIA to get more involve with rural communities kids because Monrovia is not Liberia.
He also said that he has been touched so deeply by the level of activities being carrying out voluntarily by SAMBLET-LIBERIA and praying for more support as his doors are open to working with the organization.
Mr. Lawson put the cost of the items at a little over $1,500.00 USD which Donami sport and Las Well provided free of charge to the rural kids in reaching them with the true word of God and to have time for recreation on their campuses.
Responding, SAMBLET-LIBERIA lauded Mr. Lawson and The Last Well including all those who are supporting his programs here in Liberia for ‘timely donation’.
“We also promised that these items will be used for its intended purpose in reaching and encouraging more kids to return to school follow by sharing the word of God”, said SAMBLET-LIBERIA Executive Director Executive Director Amb Edmund Walakewon Gbarwee.
Mr. Gbarwee added that SAMBLET is open to all in reaching out to more rural kids as way of sharing the word of God and helping to implement the SDGs by 2030.
In June 2019, SAMBLET-LIBERIA conducted a need survey across Nimba County Electoral District Nine and find out lots of pressing issues of concern in helping our rural kids to have more zeal in going to school.
The challenges are many and just not unique to our targeted community as almost all rural communities across Liberia and incumbent on us all to help in solving some of these challenges.

SAMBLET-LIBERIA immediately took a stepped by sharing the findings from this survey with partners, well-wishers and would be donors. The organization was humbled and honored to have a great team of volunteers who are selfless and willing to work beyond their call of duties day and night.
“We are also happy having A Broad of Directors headed by Madame Salome G. Gofan and our ever potent Founder Mr. Saye Zokunwon Gbarwee who are very supportive of our GOMILE Pilot projects across three counties in rural Liberia namely, Montserrado, Bong and Nimba Counties”, said SAMBLET-LIBERIA executive Director Amb Edmund Walakewon Gbarwee.
According to him the first prayer answered from this need assessment was the donation of assorted items from the Bridge Church in New York for our over 33 rural pastors in Nimba. He said the materials have since been distributed and we thank God for all those who continue to help us in serving God’s people in rural communities.
Named in memory of the late Rev. Samuel B. Gbarwee, a popular Baptist prelate in lower Nimba County, SAMBLET was established in 2016 with a goal to empower many reaching with the true gospel of Jesus Christ among rural dwellers.
Few days ago, he called SAMBLET-LIBERIA Executive Director Amb Edmund Walakewon Gbarwee and expressed his honest opinion about the great work SAMBLET-LIBERIA is doing in rural communities and later asked what was needed in an effort to buttress SAMBLET-LIBERIA team,
You can contact SAMBLET-LIBERIA on the below numbers and email : Mobile numbers: 00231886693625, 00231775564630,00231777902794 or our Founder: 0014232519814 Email: