Local Bong diaspora group presents assorted medical equipment

Assorted medical materials along official of the local charity group

By Belthan E.K. Tano|LPR News, Gbarnga

A charity group under the banner, ‘Bong Kwatekeh  Minnesota’ based in the United States of America has made available a consignment of essential medical materials to six District Clinics of Bong County.

The six District clinics included  Fuamah, salala and sanoyea Districts. Bong Kwatekeh is an arm of the United Bong citizens association in the Americas.

The donation affected Hindii Salala, Degah, Toyota, Sanoyea and the Gbonota clinics.

Materials donated include; gloves, surgical gowns, syringes and face masks amongst others.

 Making the presentation of the materials on behalf of the organization, its vice President said the gesture is part of initiatives that they want to under undertake in the county.

Mr. Jefferson Dennis said the donation is not much, but is part of efforts of bettering the healthcare delivery system in the county.

He then urged Bongese and Liberians to follow all of the health protocols spelt out  by the World Health Organization (WHO) and ministry of health in order to prevent themselves from the corona virus disease.

The Fuamah native hailed personnel of the various health facilities for what he termed as excellent work being done for the people of the county.

Taking delivery of the materials, the officer in charge  of the salala  clinic and the community health services superior of the Toyota health  center hailed Bong Kwatekeh Minnesota for being sensitive to the plight of their citizens at home.