Corruption allegation hangs over CARI administration

CARI headquarters in Bong [Panoramio]

As repeated allegation of corruption hangs over the Central Agriculture Research institute CARI, Dr. Nykoi Jomah, the Director of livestock aquaculture and inland fisheries program was recently seen perpetually protesting at the front of the ministry of foreign Affairs in his quest for reforms at CARI in Monrovia.

It’s can be recalled in early March of this year CARI comptroller Joe Amara absconded with over LRD$10,000,000.00 or fifty thousand United States Dollars (US$50,000) from the cover of the research institute in Suakoko thus prompting public outcries.

Dr. Jomah alleged that since the ascendancy of Madam Paulette Findley as OIC of the institute, corruption Illegal dismissal and suspension of employees have been on the increase at the regional research institute. 

Dr. Jomah was seen with placards on his vehicle since Tuesday of last week for 11 days.

LPR has learnt that a fact finding meeting is expected to be convinced at CARI with the minister of agriculture and the board of the central agriculture research institute.

The central Agriculture Research Institute was established in the late 1970s to serve as research center for the development of agriculture products in Liberia.

But in recent years the institution has been rocked with many controversies leading to the dismissal of some employees unlawfully.





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