NTAL Commends Government increased budget to education

Secretary General of NTAL Samuel Y. Johnson [photo: Calvin Quays]

By Calvin Quays|LPR News, Monrovia

The National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) under the banner of More-for-Education Campaign has commended the Liberian Government on the incremental increased to the education sector budget in the national budget.

According to the National Advocacy Officer for the More-for –Education Campaign and also the Secretary General of NTAL Samuel Y. Johnson, Liberian Education sector has been faced with several challenges due to low budget allocation and support over the years.

Mr. Johnson stated that since the start of the More-for-Education-Campaign in 2017 to 2020 fiscal years, the government has increased the education budget in the 2017/2018 national budget to 14.6 percent and in the 2018/2019 national budget to 15 percent while in the 2019/2020 national budget to 15.8percent.

The National Advocacy Officer for the More-for-Education-Campaign made the disclosure Wednesday at a Press Conference held at the NTAL’s Headquarters in Sinkor.

He noted that the More-for-Education-Campaign partners recognized these incremental increased over the past two fiscal years by the Liberian Government, but they are appealing to government to continue increasing the national budget for the education sector and to allocate the minimum 20 percent in the 2020/2021 national budget.

According to him, if the minimum of 20 percent allocation of the national budget for the education sector is achieved, the Ministry of Education including universities, colleges and other agencies as well as institutions that make up the education sector will be able to address some of the major challenges to sector is facing.

Mr. Johnson stressed that the More-for-Education-Campaign partners have conducted some researches and assessments and realized that the status of paid and unpaid teachers in the education sector.

He pinpointed that teachers, education workers and other stakeholders in the sector including students and parents should followed the public health regulations and guidelines declared  by government through the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Institute of Liberia(NPHIL) .

He maintained that they should continue to observe the health protocols such as washing of hands, wearing of nose and mouth masks, social distance, avoid sharing hands and hugging including crowd of over 10 people as well as seeking medication from clinics and hospitals.

Mr. Johnson revealed that since 2017, the Government and People of the United States of America through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Liberia Accountability and Voice Initiative (LAVI) have been providing funding and support to NTAL and the  More-for-Education-Campaign of seven Liberian civil society organizations(CSOs) to advocate for increase minimum 20 percent allocation of the national budget for the education sector.