Liberia: Nimba ‘Grand Zoe’ suspended indefinitely for uncultured behavior

Traditional elders in Nimba County


The Council of chiefs and Elders Nimba Branch has suspended its Grand Zoe Lawrence Q. Gonyor for time indefinite. 

Speaking to LPR news in Sanniquellie on Thursday June 11, the Nimba Chairman of the National Council of chiefs and Elders Chief Peter Barlon disclosed that the Grand Zoe was suspended for Administrative reasons.  

Chief Barlon indicated that Grand Zoe Lawrence Q Gonyor suspension had some traditional implications, something he said he was not in the position to explain to the press. 

He at the same time warmed all traditional zoes, paramount chiefs, clan, and the general public not to do any business with Gonyor noting that doing so will be at the detriment of the individual. 

Chief Barlon who failed to state exactly the administrative reason that led to the  Grand Zoe suspension, mentioned that they as traditional people have to be traditionally discipline and morally upright to guard the society. 

The Nimba Chairman of the National Council of chiefs and Elders asserted that a communication has been sent to the office of the county inspector and the National Chairman chief Zanzan Kawor. 

Cultural performances in Nimba County

“We sent his suspension letter to the County Inspector because he is the head of us in the county to be aware of our decision.”

Chief Barlon mentioned that the Grand Zoe suspension will serve as warning to all members of the Council of chiefs and Elders in the county. 

Liberia Public Radio is yet to get the side of the suspended Grand Zoe of Nimba Lawrence Q. Gonyor as his phone remains at the switched off to the time of publication.


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