Court Gives Ministry of Justice 24hrs. Ultimatum to produce stolen container

Temple of Justice in Monrovia

By Garmah Lomoh|LPR News, Monrovia

 Civil law court “A” at the Temple of Justice  Judge J. Kennedy Peabody has given 24hrs ultimatum to the Ministry of Justice to take the disputed container at the Temple of Justice ground.

 An alleged stolen container at the National Port Authority was recently  released to the Montserrado Group of industries by and thru its General Manager  Houssei Kaffel and all officers of the management believed to be the owner of the container.

The Court order came as  a Bill of information filed by the complainant AGID SARLU Complexe ARO INDUSTRE, DUBREKA by and thru it’s attorney in fact Mr. BOUBACAR S. BALDE of the city of Monrovia that the Ministry of Justice through the Liberia National Police launched an investigation into the disputed container but never reported findings to the complainant but rather released the container to the Montserrado Group of industries management.

The disputed container has factory equipment where the Guinea company AGID SARLU COMPlexe ARO INDUSTRE, DE DUBREKA over sea supplier in  turkey Reza Akhavein owner of ARIA GIDA KATKU allegedly tracked the container up to Madrid Spain, where petitioner discovered that ARIA GIDA KATKU MADD Mr. Reza Akhavein unlawfully, criminally and unilaterally changed the original owner or consignee and destination that is from AGID SARLU COMPlexe ARO INDUSTRE, DE DUBREKA to Montserrado Group of industries and from Guinea Conakry to Monrovia, Liberia respectively.

On June 3,2020, the Acting Minister of Justice Montserrado County Attorney Edwin Kla Martin instructed him to make sure that should go to court because it involves with ownership but ten days the same acting Minister wrote the Managing Director of National  Port Authority Bill  Twehway ordered for the container to the Montserrado Group of industries without sending the matter to court as he has earlier instructed.

Civil law court judge Peabody said failure on the part of the Ministry of Justice and Montserrado Group of industries to take container at the court ground contempt of court orders would be rendered against them.

The complainant AGID SARLU COMPLEXE ARO INDUSTRE DE DUBREKA by and thru it’s attorney in fact Mr. BOUBACAR S. BALDE is being represented by Liberia’s Human rights lawyer and president of the Liberian national Bar Association Cllr. Tiawon S. Gongloe.