COVID-19: Central Liberia only referral hospital temporarily shutdown

Compound of the Phebe Hospital in Bong@Belthan Tano

Phebe Hospital in Suakoko Bong County – the only referral hospital in central Liberia over the weekend shut its doors to all new patients, for the second time in a month due to an increase in coronavirus virus cases in that part of Liberia.

The hospital’s communication director Samuel Kplaiwru told Liberia Public Radio on Friday of last week that the move was a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of patients and staff of the hospital.

The hospital’s communication director Samuel Kplaiwru described the move as precautionary measure to ensure the safety of patients and staff.

 “I am sorry that the hospital needed to do this, but at the end we will over come,” Kplaiwru said. “We need to ensure that we crush this virus and its source.”

Our correspondent said the move comes after the hospital’s medical director Jefferson Sibley and seven nurses have been tested for the virus.

Any hope for new patients?
More than 15 patients, many of whom had traveled to Gbarnga from the rural parts of Bong were left stranded after the hospital shut down Friday and withdrew all non-essential services.

A large number of patients were seen waiting outside, unaware of the closure of the hospital hoping to get treatment.

Morris Benson, 38, who was found waiting outside the hospital with his three-year-old child Blessing, told Front Page Africa:”If the hospital was scheduled to be closed Friday, why we were given appointment for today.”

As of June 25, 2020, Bong County had reported 22 cases of the virus, with four deaths reported, according to the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL).

On Thursday, Bong County superintendent Esther Walker suggested an increase in the may have been a consequence of the slight easing of the lockdown restrictions in the county, which had allowed people access to night clubs and gathering in large numbers
Said the Superintendent of Bong county.

Internal Wrangling

Liberia has recorded 780 cases of confirmed Coronavirus cases since the outbreak started in March. At least 36 people have died with 324 recoveries.
420 patients are currently taking treatment at the 14th military hospital in Paynesville.

President George Weah on Tuesday June 30 wrote the legisture asking for additional 30 days extension of the state of Emergency as the virus continues to surge.

Experts say the number of cases could be higher than reported as many people are not showing up for testing. Others have blamed the rise in the number of confirmed cases to an internal wrangling between the Ministry of health and theNational Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL).

A source close to the both entities told Liberia Public Radio that the Health is overlapping the function of NPHIL by announcing Health protocols which should be should been done by NPHIL as the institution clothed with the authority to prevent diseases in the public.