Arcelor Mittal redundant workers pledge support to plan protest in Nimba

Redundant workers of Mittal Steel in protest [photo: Daniel Garteh]

Arcelor Mittal Liberia’s ‘redundant’ workers have pledged support to the Nimba Education Guide planned massive demonstration against world giant steal company on July 20, 2020. 

Pleading their support on Sunday  July 12, 2020 in Sanniquellie, the coordinator of the redundant workers Andrew Dolo described the pronounced demonstration as welcoming adding that the company has reneged to settle the aggrieved redundant workers just benefits. 

Dolo stressed that AML has always downplayed their plight and failed to recognized that citizens of Nimba are the custodians of the mountain in providing jobs, something he said the move by Nimba Education Guide Executive Director Armstrong Gobac Selekpoh is in the best interest of the redundant workers and the Nimba people. 

LPR on last week reported about planned demonstration announced by a local Civil society organization Executive Director threatening to stage a massive protests against Arcelor Mittal Liberia, despite calls from the Ministry of Justice to call off the planned demonstration. 

Redundant workers of Arcelor Mittal Liberia have taken the train track use by the company to transport their ore from Yekepa to Buchanan on two separate occasions demanding their just benefit from the company. 

The coordinator of the redundant workers Andrew Dolo

According the redundant workers, they have all legal documents in their possession to substantiate their claims. 

They further mentioned that they have visited the Ministry of Labor, Members of the House of Representatives, Beaure of Concession and Commision and the office of the President of Liberia for redress but to no avail. 

The Executive Director of Nimba Education Guide has maintained that the planned demonstration by his group and other youths in Nimba will be held on July 20, 2020, as nothing will change their plan