President George Weah sacks EPA Boss, Nathniel Blama over US$20m fraud allegation

Dismissed EPA Executive Director Dr. Nathaniel Blama

By M.Dennise Nimpson|LPR News, Monrovia

Monrovia-President George Weah has dismissed with immediate effect Mr. Nathniel Blama, Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Mr. Blama who was recently reinstated by the President, was Dismissed on Wednesday, August 5, 2020 for acts of fraud.

According to an Executive Mansion Release, Blama on March 7, 2020 unilaterally signed a US$20 million contract without the signatures of the Ministries of Justice and Finance contrary to the law and established government principles and procedures.

The release said investigation conducted by the Ministry of Justice established that Mr. Blama did not adhere to legal requirements, standards procedures regarding the selling of the Government of Liberia assets.

Meanwhile, President Weah has warned he will not entertain any unscrupulous behavior of any government officials.

The President reiterated his zero-tolerance stance against corruption.

According to the release, Mr. Randall M. Dobayou, Deputy Executive Director of EPA will act as head of the entity pending the appointment of Executive Director.

It can be recalled on Liberia recorded its first case March 16, when the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Mr. Nathaniel Blama, was tested positive upon his arrival from a high-level international conference in Switzerland.

This led to the suspension of Nathaniel Blama by President George Weah, since then there have been series of allegation against from his Deputy Randall Dobayou.


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