Liberia’s ruling party pays homage to fallen Montserrado District#9 lawmaker Munah Youngblood

The casket bearing remains of the late Rep. Youngblood at the ruling party headquarters [photo: Front Page Africa]

Partisans and well-wishers on Thursday began paying their last respect to fallen partisan the  late Montserrado County District 9 Representative Munah Pelham-Youngblood who died  July 8, 2020, in Accra, Ghana.

She was  battling  undisclosed illness.

The remains of the former Representative was taken from the St. Moses Funeral Parlor in Gardnersville by some senior officials of the government and hierarchies of the CDC.

At the CDC headquarters, the family of the late Representative Youngblood sat behind the casket which was mounted on a podium.

President George Weah and his entourage took turns in viewing the body.

President Weah, dressed all in black was seen standing  looking at the remains his fallen partisan who was very vocal and challenging within the CDC.

He moved around the casket three times and later reached out to the mother of the late District #9 Representative to console her before taking his seat.

“If you listened to the song that [was] played at CDC headquarters, I carefully wrote that song and needed the best person to sing it. When she sat with me in her last days [she] couldn’t express what she wanted to, Weah told reporters recently at the book of condolence signing.

 Joint securities along with the party own securities were able to control the crowd of mourners who were curious to view the dead body of a woman they termed as heroes.

For three hours, mourners, mostly partisans of the CDC were put in a long queue to view the body of the late Representative.

It was a day of sorrow as tears came down from the eyes of almost everyone who went close to see the remains of the woman they loved so dearly.

Other partisans and well-wishers were asked to only view the body and leave the premises of the Headquarters and go home to avoid the overcrowding because of the present health situation.

Who was Munah Evangline  Pelham Youngblood?

 Born September 22, 1983 in Monrovia, Madam Munah Pelham Youngblood was a small business owner and retired African super-model, actress, beauty queen, and public speaker.

Youngblood was  a 1999-2000 graduate of St. Michael’s Catholic High School. Her passion to lead with service to humanity and the nation became apparent when she obtained the student leader position at the University of Liberia, where she served as the standard bearer during the senior class election in 2009. 

Rep. Munah E. Pelham-Youngblood

She obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication from the University of Liberia in 2009.

Madam Youngblood was elected to the national legislature in the 2011 as the youngest member to the Republic of Liberia 53rd Legislature House of Representatives at the age 27 among
20 candidates in the 2011 elections.

She also got re-elected among 13 candidates as the incumbent in 2017 elections  serving in the 54th National Legislature.

Recently several residents of the district were seen offering prayers for the speedy recovery of the late Young-blood while she was undergoing treatment in USA and India.

Youngblood served as the honorable House of Representatives: Chair on Executive, Chair on World Bank/IMF Parliamentary Network Liberia Chapter, Good Governance, Member on Youth & Sports, Member on Public Accounts & Expenditure, Member on Gender Social Welfare and Children’s Protection, Member on Maritime and Concession & Investment, Co-chair on International Affair Women Legislative Caucus of Liberia and – the Secretary General of the current ruling party Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) Legislative Caucus.

Meanwhile the remains of the late Montserrado District#9 lawmaker have arrived at the capitol building in Monrovia where it will be laid in stat before a state funeral on Saturday August 8, 2020 at the Samuel Karyon Doe sports Stadium in Paynesville.


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