11-year-old girl badly raped by a teenager in Bong County

The report said after the examinations she was later placed on at least three days medication in order to stabilize her condition.

By Garmah Lomoh|Contributor

A 15-year-old Rapist identified as David Kollie has been arrested, investigated, sent to court and jailed in Gbarnga, Bong County while awaiting court trial.

According to police charge sheet from the County, on July 21,2020, relatives of the survivor reported to women and children protection section of the Liberia National Police that their 11year old daughter was sexually abused by defendant David Kollie age 15.

The survivor explaining her ordeal to the police said on July 21, 2020, while, she was cooking, she saw doing Kollie coming from his house and called her for his phone but according to her she told him that she doesn’t wants his cell phone and continued doing her work.

But defendant Kollie forcibly came and used his shirt to her mouth and carried in her mother unfinished kitchen and put down a piece of cloth on the ground and put her on it and forcibly took off her clothes and began having sexual intercourse with her after which she started bleeding profusely.

defendant Kollie after having his sexual desire, he told the little girl  not to tell anyone about his evil behavior melted against her and promised to reward her  LRD $150 (US$0.75)  for  July 26 independence Day celebration.

The 11-year old was sexually injured [photo: Garmah Lomoh]

Contrary to the survivor statement, defendant Kollie told police investigators that on July 21,2020, he went to the hand pump in Melekie town to get bathing water for his mother at which time, the survivor told him that they should go do ‘rude thing’ [sex]  and he accepted and took the survivor to wait for him infront of their house but he then took her to his  mother unfinished kitchen and have sex with her.

He further stated that after committing the act people was looking for him which forced him to ran away and went Firestone where he was arrested and taken back to Bong County.

Both the defendant and survivor are residents of the Melekie town community but the matter was reported on the 24 of July 2020.

Defendant Kollie was in violation of section 14.70 of the revised rape law of Liberia which states 

A person who has sexual intercourse with another person ( male or female) has committed rape if

(a)(I) he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus, mouth or any other opening of another person ( male or female) with his penis, without the victim’s consent.

The victim is less than eighteen years old provided the actor is eighteen years of age or older 

It remains unclear whether  the perpetrator will be serious punished for his action as he is less than 18 year old.