Liberia: FAO Donates US$50,000 worth of Equipment to Ministry of Agriculture

Agricultural equipment donated to the Ministry of Agriculture [photo: Calvin Quays]

By Calvin Quays|LPR News, Monrovia

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has donated equipment to the Ministry of agriculture worth 50,000 United States Dollars  to improve food production in Liberia.

The three agro-machines   equipment known as ‘track power tailor’ and 15 computers were presented Friday August 28, 2020 to the Minister Jeanine Cooper at the Ministry facility in Gardnerville

The track power tailor is intended to clear land for planting crops.

 Assistant Representative for programme at FAO, Octavius Quarbo, said the equipment was procured and funded by FAO with additional support from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) and the Joint programme on the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women (RWEE).

Quarbo stated that the three track power tailor will enhance the joint program on Rural Women Economic Empowerment for women in Bomi, Margibi and Nimba counties.

He indicated that the program has five hectares of model garden in Bomi County for integrated production vegetable and poultry which one of the tracks will be there, but also be used for the public private partnership.

Assistant Representative for programme at FAO, Octavius Quarbo along with Min. Jeanie Cooper at the turning over ceremony

He cited that similar program has also be implemented in Margibi County which is under the Rural Women Economic Empowerment Project and in Nimba County the third project which is under the Peace building Fund.

Quarbo further explained that FAO has a Technical Cooperation Program with the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure that statistics from the agriculture sector are properly collected.

He said the 15 computers are intended to strengthen data collection in the agriculture sector in Liberia.

Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Jeanine Cooper said the equipment will help to transform development of the agriculture in the county

Minister Cooper stated that relevant equipment in the agriculture will go a long way to begin to do   mechanic farming in food production in Liberia.

 She pointed out if Liberia should be self-sufficient in food production in the 21st century    mechanic farming should be prioritized.

She noted that FAO has remains supportive of agriculture development in Liberia and appreciate FAO for continue support to improve food production in the country.