Liberia: Aggrieved Legislative staffs shun ruling party candidate supporters at the Capitol building

The workers want their Liberian dollar salaries be paid[photo: Mark Mengofia]

Some supporters mainly  youth believed to be supporters of Rep. Thomas P. Fallah were forcefully thrown out of the grounds of the Capitol Building on Thursday September 3, 2020 by aggrieved workers.

The aggrieved legislative staff have been calling on the legislature to settle several months Liberian dollar arrears owed them.

Liberia Public Radio correspondent on capitol Hill says  Montserrado County Senatorial hopeful who is also  Chairman of the House of Representatives’ Committee on Ways, Means, Finance and Development Planning and is one of those responsible for the delay in the payment of amount in question.

The supporters have gone to endorse the Senatorial bid of Rep. Fallah when they met a resistance from the workers.

Our Correspondent said the workers were heard calling Rep. Thomas Fallah a “criminal” who has stolen the Liberian dollars component of their salary.

One of the spokespersons of the disenchanted workers, Charles Brown said “We asked them out of here because we think endorsing Thomas Fallah on the grounds of the Capitol Building is like endorsing satan in a Church.”

LPR reporter who went on the scene said ,the petitioners have left the grounds of the Capitol Building and are expected to return anytime some other days.

Capitol building Monrovia

Representative has been member of the legislature since 2006 and was recently selected by the ruling party to run for the senatorial seat in Montserrado County; once a stronghold of the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

The seat is currently being occupied by opposition politician Abraham Darius Dillon who many of his supporters regard him as a ‘light’ in the legislature for speaking against ills at the parliament.


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