Liberia: Corpses of Two LRA employees examined but report not public yet

Police Inspector General Patrick Sudue speaking at a news conference on Monday [photo: Garmah Lomoh]

By Garmah Lomoh| Crime and Judiciary contributor 

The corridor of Montserrado County Mr. Abraham B. Rick has conducted a corridor inquest on the corpse of the two LRA employees at the St. Moses Funeral Parlor who was recently found Dead in a parked Vehicle on Snapper Hill up Broad Street.

Information gathered at St. Moses Funeral Parlor disclosed that examination done the remains of the two LRA employees Mrs. Lama and Mr. Peters report has been forwarded to the Ministry of Justice which will lead to autopsy if need to be conducted.

The corridor examination of the remains of the LRA employees was done in the present of both Mr. Lama and Mrs. Peters at the St. Moses Funeral Parlor on Monday October 5th, 2020.

Report from the examination might release to public hopefully at the weekend.

For his part, Former Montserrado County Development Superintendent Sylvester Lama has decried a ‘Foul’ played in the death of his wife Gifty Ashma Lama who was recently discovered Dead along with Mr. Albert Peters in a parked Vehicle on Snapper Hill up Broad Street opposite Secret Heart Cathedral Catholic Church.

Mr. Lama dismissed rumor that he and his wife was on separation adding that those who carrying such rumor around are from the “belly of the devil.”

According to Mr. Lama, he  and his wife have an agreement for her to move at the ELWA junction in order to be on time at work due to the location of where  their property is situated in Brewerville Morton corner community and return during the weekend along with the  children.

Speaking in an interview with journalists at the St. Moses funeral Parlour in Garnderville, Mr. Lama told journalists that on Thursday October 1,2020, his wife and father had discussion for him to use her car but at about 11am on the same day, her father called her continually but there was no answers of those numerous calls made by him.

He stated that about 7pm, his sister in law Rebecca Ashma called him and told that they have been calling his wife but no answer and he needed to come for all of them to go in search of her thus prompting him to chapter a commercial taxi from Brewerville Morton corner and began searching for her.

Narrating further, he said they visited various health facilities including JFK and the police headquarters whether there was any accident case reported to them but to their dismay nothing of such was discovered.

Sylvester Lamah, Gifty Lamah ‘s Husband says he and his wife were not on separation as being speculated

At 2am, his sister in law tried Mrs. Lama lone Star number which was answered by an unidentified male who told his sister in law that Gift Lama will be seen a vehicle on Friday October 2,2020.

Accordingly, when the news broke out on the discoveries of the two early Friday morning, he immediately rushed on the scene and it was discovered that his wife Gift and Mr. Peters were found Dead in a park vehicle but they were prevented from viewing his wife and Mr. Peter remains both on the crime scene and at JFK.

Mr. Albert K. Peters was the deputy commissioner for audit at the LRA while, Gifty Ashma Lama was a research analyst and serving as acting Manager for taxation at LRA.

 ‘Mysterious death’

Circumstances surrounding the deaths of the two LRA employees assumed that they were allegedly murder for their refusal to give certain damaging reports.

Meanwhile, the Liberia National Police headed its Inspector General Patrick Sudue said an investigation has launched into the death of the two.

IG Sudue in a news conference Monday the police headquarters said that several persons of interest have probe including a security who was on guard prior to the incident.

According IG Sudue, no stone will remain untouched into the alleged murder of the two LRA employees.

Both Albert Peters and Gifty Lama were married separately with wife and husband respectively

He also admitted that there were errors made by police officers who responded at the crime but justified that it was harmless errors and admitted that they are at verge of getting the call logs of the deceased from Lonestar Cell MTN and Orange Liberia GSM companies.