Ghanaian supervisors at ‘Modern Hotel’ accused of sexually harassing female employees

Modern Hotel in Mount Barclay where the sexual harassment took place [Photo: Garmah Lomoh ]

By Garmah Lomoh| Crime and Judiciary Affairs contributor 

Sexual Harassment seems to be a normal way of life at the Modern Hotel situated at Mt. Barclay suburb of Paynesville with several females being victimized.

The alleged sexual Harassments according to our reporter are being carryout by some senior supervisors of the hotel starting  many years ago but has been swept under the carpet for fear  of been dismissed  by female employees who have been victimized.

The incident which has led several females losing their job if they refused to have love affair with the accused Richard Ocoo a Ghanaian national age 35.

One of the recent victims identified as Bendu Momo in an interview with Liberia Public Radio in Mt. Barclay las week said, she was sexually harassed by this Ghanaian national Richard Ocoo in his hotel room #26 after she has gone to do regular cleaning up duty.

Miss Momo, disclosed while in  room 26, the alleged suspect entered in the room held her waist and made an attempt to kiss her but she pushed him on the bed and ran outside.

She told our reporter that following the alleged act by the Ghanaian who is the general supervisor at the Modern Hotel, she reported the matter to another supervisor only known as Appeton who in return told the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Richard Zormelo who allegedly demoted her from receptionist to waitress without launching any Investigation into the matter.

Miss Bendu Momo, victim of sexual harassment at Modern Hotel

She explained that she  resisted her demotion on ground that  there was no Investigation launch into her complain and asked the management to pay her off because she was no longer secure on the job.

However, the matter was reported to the police where the accused Richard Ocoo was briefly held behind bar but was later released without any reason given to the complainant.

Mr. Ocoo admitted to Police Investigator that he proposed a love relationship to Miss Momo and she consented but he discovered that she [Miss Momo] was in love relationship with  another supervisor of the same hotel.

Unless victim Bendu Momo, another former  female employee who refused to be named said, the accused Richard Ocoo also sexually harassing her during stay at the Modern Hotel in Mt. Barclay.

She told our reporter that on one occasion Mr. Ocoo  made sexual advancement to her by touching breast and also attempting to kiss her.

According to her Mr. Ocoo is in the constant habit of threatened females who refuse to visit his room #26, can usually be demoted or dismissed because the hotel is been owned by his kinman Ghanaian National.

The  code of conduct of workers of at the local Hotel institution  prohibits employee from making sexual advances to co-workers.

She further narrated that Mr. Ocoo was suspended for time indefinite for his s alleged sexual harassment against female employees of the institution but he was recently re-instated when he carried his alleged act against Miss Momo.

Prior to Mr. Ocoo suspension, he served as manager for the Modern Hotel but he is currently serving as General supervisor.

However, the scale of the sexual harassment by the Ghanain national maybe widespread as several female employees of the Modern Hotel are afraid to speak for fear of losing their job.

Another female who was sexually harassed by the Ghanaian supervisor

The Chief Executive Officer of Modern Hotel, Mr. Richard Zormelo told Liberia Public Radio reporter during  a visit at the hotel that he can’t speak on the matter but his  comment will be made through their legal Counselor.

Meanwhile, a human rights group known as Liberia future trust Incorporated (LiFT) is calling on other human rights group to join them in ensuring Justice for the victims.

According to them, if Miss Momo get Justice, it will as deterrent for Mr. Ocoo.