Liberia: Local humanitarian group builds Single Mothers Skill

Single mothers at CALP training program[photo: Calvin Quays]

By Calvin Quays|LPR News, Monrovia

The Care for Liberia Population (CALP) has stressed the need to enhance the vocational skills of single mothers in the country.

According to the Executive Director of CALP Samuel Jacobs, enhancing the vocational skills of single mothers will a long way to build their capacities with skills to cater for their children in society.

Director Jacobs  stated  that CALP is  partnering with the Israeli Embassy near Ghana, Liberia  and  sierra Leone  which  has provided some  sewing machines and  materials  including hairdressing materials to train 30 single mothers in tailoring  and  beautician.

The CALP Boss made the disclosure Saturday October 31, 2020 when CALP was officially launch in Monrovia.

He indicated that CALP has been training some single mothers around Monrovia and its environ and at the same time provided some food items for single mothers in Grand Bassa and Montserrado Counties respectively.

He maintained that the training program for  tailoring and beautician will  last for four months  and hope that the participants will  take advantage  of the  program  which is a free of  charge  including all materials  provided for the training.

Director Jacobs stressed that single mothers in Liberia should do everything possible to train their children  to become  productive citizens, noting that single mothers have raised up and  produced great leaders around the world such as Former  President of  the United States of America, Barrack Obama.

Single  mothers and children  Coronavirus Support Initiatives  prevention  which is key  to prevent the spread of COVID -19  among them  and it was supported by MASHAV-Israel’s International Development Agency, the CALP boss stressed.

Earlier, the Assistant Minister  for Health and Vital Statistics at  the Ministry  of Health,  Chea  Sanford  Wesseh said single mothers should be closed  to God in order  to direct  their steps  in society.

Minister Wesseh stated that being single mothers are not a crime, but they should be determined to train their children with the knowledge and the fear of God for them to follow the right path in life.

He noted that acquiring skills such as tailoring and beautician are good; however, they should be back up   with the requisite knowledge to develop their potential through the respective careers.

Wesseh explained that despite being single mothers currently; the woman should be determined to build their capacities to transform the growth and development of their children in the near future.

Meanwhile, some of participants expressed delighted for the opportunity to go through this program with the help of CALP and its partners to consider single mothers in Liberia.

They noted that this program is the first of its kind in Liberia for single mothers who are struggling   to actually cater for children, especially with COVID-19 the global pandemic that is affecting every country around the world.

They narrated that after the training to become tailors or beauticians, they intend to establish tailor shops to implement the skills acquired over the period.




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