Diaspora Bong citizen accuses County’s Leadership of suppressing Development

Mr. Dennis Garsinii, a U.S. based citizen and Eminent son of Bong County

Mr. Dennis Garsinii, a U.S. based citizen and Eminent son of Bong County has blamed leaders of the county for suppression and poor management of the Citizens resources and total lacking of innovation as contributing factors to the current ‘under development’ status of the County.

Mr. Garsinii speaking to a local radio station from his resident in the USA he said, Bong County has the financial power and Capable to develop itself as a county, but leaders of the county are not innovative and productive.

Development, he said will not be realized when those in leadership keep mismanaging the resources of the county.

Garsinii described as shameful, disgraceful, disguising to have a centrally located County like Bong without a proper development agenda adding that development will only be realized when leaders of the county have vision for the county and not self interest.

“ Prior to the war, Bong County had responsible leadership that was focused on the County’s development as compared to now because  those in leadership are not focusing to ensure the county progress but themselves.”, he adds.

The US based Bong County Citizen said, things will be fine in the County when leaders put aside their personal ego and make the County’s interest their priority.

He named good financial management and youth empowerment as paths to nation building. “We need to put our leaders’ feet to fire by telling them what they need to do for the interest of the ordinary people, when money comes to you, use it for the right purpose.”

The eminent son of Bong County has been providing aid to his kinsmen and county which includes fuel and medical equipment that cost hundreds of thousands of United States Dollars across Bong county and it environs.