Weah Extols ECOWAS Technical team for voter’s roll cleanup

President Weah with ECOWAS officials in his private office[photo:MICAT]

President George Manneh Weah has extolled the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) for always lending support to Liberia in times of need.

 The Liberia leader said the country remains ever grateful to the regional body for all its support.

According to an information Ministry release, President Weah made the comments on Friday November 20,2020 when he received in audience the Head of the ECOWAS Technical Team seconded to the Liberian National Elections Commission, Madam Charlotte Osei, who had gone to update him on the works the ECOWAS Technical Team has done so far.

The make-up of the voters roll became contentious in the lead up to the December 8 senatorial elections, when some opposition politicians claimed that the NEC had not implemented a mandate by the Supreme Court for it to “clean up” the list.

This necessitated the dispatching of a team of experts from ECOWAS to work with the NEC.

The Liberian Chief Executive expressed how committed his Government is to ensuring that the upcoming Senatorial Elections passes off in peace and tranquility.

“We want a.. free and fair elections that will be conducted in peace and tranquility”, President Weah said.

He told Madam Osei, who was accompanied by ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia, Babatunde Ajisomo, that he was concerned about incendiary language coming from some Opposition politicians which could lead to violence, saying it was the responsibility of all leaders to ensure that the election was held peacefully.

Speaking earlier, the leader of the ECOWAS Technical Team said they have made much progress with the full cooperation of the NEC – and with the UNDP’s involvement – in cleaning up the Voters Roll to be used in the December 8 Elections.

“We have had an excellent cooperation of all the stakeholders including the Political Parties and the technicians in getting our job done” Madam Osei told President Weah.

She said at the end of their work, it is hoped that all the technical issues raised by the Political Parties regarding the NEC Voters Roll would have been resolved. “

They have brought in their technicians who have been trained to work along with our[ECOWAS] team to make sure that all parties are satisfied when the process of cleaning up the voters roll is complete”, the ECOWAS Lead Voters Roll Technician asserted.

Also Speaking, ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia praised President Weah for inviting the regional body to come and assist in ensuring the midterm elections are held in an open, transparent and fair manner.

He termed President Weah’s request to ECOWAS as exemplary.


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