Top U.S. and the UK diplomats pay visit to Arcelor Mittal Liberia

U.S. and UK diplomats at Arcleor Mittal operation site in Yekepa Nimba County

British Ambassador to Liberia, His Excellency Neil Bradley and  delegates from the United States Embassy in Monrovia along with USAID Regional Deputy Mission Director Sara R. Walter have paid visit to ArcelorMittal Liberia.

ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company, which operates in 60 countries with industrial mark in 17 countries including Liberia in Yekepa Nimba and Buchanan Grand Bassa Counties.

The visitation of the high ranking delegates was headed by British Ambassador, Neil Bradley and USAID Regional Deputy Mission Director Sara R. Walter

According to UK Ambassador Bradley, it was  a good  experience to visit ArcelorMittal Liberia operating site to see infrastructure of the company.

He at the same named some the infrastructures as the railroad, mining sites, port among others. 

He further stressed his intent of visiting Liberia’s biggest mining company as knowing workers health and safety and the company next plans for it expansion.

“I am honored to have this opportunity to visit ArcelorMittal Liberia operating site as well as their investment in Liberia and their plans for the expansion of the company “he said.

Ambassador Bradley was also noted as saying, high-quality of investment can create jobs for ordinary citizens and make positive contributions to the nations building.

(L-R), Scott Lowe, CEO, ArcelorMittal Liberia, Sara R. Walter, Mission Director USAID-Liberia, Kalim Hanna, Economic Growth Officer, USAID, Joel Kopp, PoliticalEconomic Counselor, U.S. Embassy, and Matt Alden, Senior Defe

Meanwhile the regional deputy mission director of United States Agency for international development(USAID) Madam Sara R. Walter, Defence Officer Matt Alden,as well as,Joel Kopp and Kalim Hanna  toured the company concession areas in Buchanan.

She at the same time extended congratulatory massages to the management of ArcelorMittal Liberia, for providing good health and education in the area to Liberians.

She disclosed as,”I am excited today, because I see a real engine for economic growth here for Liberians that can provide opportunity, for creating more jobs and offering quality lives to Liberians in a very responsible approach.”

For his part the chief executive officer (CEO)Scott Lowe disclosed as, We are honored to have you guys here in order to learn about our current business and our plans for the future.

“We operate responsibly with respect to the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and the communities in which we operate, “he said.

He further explained as, steel is the fabric of life, as such it is the heart of the modern world from railways to cars and washing machines.