Unity Party Diaspora branch calls for free, fair and transparent on election Dec. 8

The National Chairman of the Unity Party USA&CANADA[photo: Helroz Zorleh]

The office of the National Chairman of the Unity Party USA&CANADA, has called for free, fair and transparent process in the ensuring Dec. 8th, 2020 Senatorial elections in Liberia.

UPUSA/CAN, through its Chairman, Mr.Kerper Dwanyen, the party said it forbids any acts consistent with tactics to minimize and/or compromise the democratic outcome of the elections.

As part of its democratic tendency regardless of political lines, UPUSA/CAN registers its disappointment over the National Elections Commission’s failure to authentically overhaul the voter roll before the holding of the elections.

UPUSA/CAN said, the NEC’s action breaches the respect of the rule of law whereas, an integrity problem occured when an individual’s name was multiplied on several voter cards – a symptom of election tampering.

UPUSA/CAN said, observers in the elections including the Judiciary are required to be objective and professional in the conduct of the elections as the truth should never be discounted.

The Unity Party-USA/CAN Chairman’s office calls on the authorities – the Liberia National Police and every Security department to protect each contesting candidate in the course of the elections.

UPUSA/CAN then calls on every voter to come out en-mass and cast their ballots in favor of all candidates of the Coalition of Political Parties (CPP) for a better future of Liberia.