Liberia: Senate wants retirement of Security Officers halted; citing looming security threats

Capitol Building Monrovia

The Liberian Senate has endorsed a report from its Committee on Defense, Security, Intelligence and Veteran Affairs to halt the pending retirement exercise in the security sector.

The Committee, in its report to the Plenary of the Senate, expressed fear that retiring Security personnel at this time is not feasible.

The Committee has, however, recommended to the Senate’s Plenary to communicate with the President, Civil Service Agency and the Finance Ministry to halt the process until resources are mobilized for the settlement of severance benefits.

 The Senate’s action was triggered by a communication proffered recently by Lofa County Senator Stephen Zargo.

Senator Zargo had warned that retiring security officers under the current economic state of the Country would create looming security threats.

Senator Zargo is the Senate Committee Chairman on Defense, Security, Intelligence and Veteran Affairs.

Since the CDC-led government came into power, it has initiated widespread retirement in some cases, those affected by the process are yet to receive the benefits.

Already, Disbanded Officers of the Armed of Liberia continues to issue threats of disruption on grounds that the process leading to their disbandment from the National Army was illegal and that the amount given them did not constitute their benefits as servicemen.