Efforts to conserve Gola Forest may go down the drain if…

The Dredge miners have spent over two months in the Mano River [photo: Mark Dahn/JPN]


A group of illicit Miners have evaded the Gold Forest National Park Park in search of gold and diamond in violation of the law establishing the Park.

The Miners are using dredge to conduct their affairs in the Mano River.

The use of dredge in the National Reserve comes at the time the Liberian Government through the Ministry of Mines and Energy banned dredge mining in the Country.

An investigation conducted by the Environmental Media Group, Journalists for the Protection of Nature(JPN-Liberia) confirmed the  situation.

The mining is taking place on Mano River that stretches through the Grand Cape Mount side of the Gola Forest National Park.

Some local people in the Mining Village of Camp Israel in  Grand Cape Mount County said the dredge is owned by a notorious diamond miner only identified as Zaire Kamara.

They said Zaire Kamara lives in the diamond mining Town of Lofa Bridge.

Ziare’s team have spent more than two months doing dredge mining on Mano River where they have constructed make-shift tanks to live while conducting their activities.

Local chief and mining agent accused

However, accusing fingers have been pointed to Camp Israel’s town Chief, Ibrahim Sambah   and the Mining Agent in the area, Boima Sheriff, of providing corridor for Ziare Kamara and his team to move into the Park.

But, Mr. Sherif dismissed the allegations as “false and misleading” saying that he does not have any knowledge about the presence of the dredge in the Park.

“I am very much aware about the moratorium placed on the use of dredge in the mining sector so I can not be the same person to facilitate such a process any where under my control especially in our National Reserve”, he said. 

“Let me say this, as a recognized and legal Mining Agent, I will not lead any process that will undermine the Ministry’s policy so let me assure the public that effect Monday, February 22,2021, I will make sure that those mining in the National Park are removed”, Mr. Sheriff explains.

“The Ministry of Mines and Energy did not issue license to any company or individual to mine in the Park”,He said.

“I don’t know the boundary of the Gola Forestry National Park either did I know whether there is a park where the dredge mining is taking place therefore I want the Forestry Development Authority to organize workshops for both FDA and Ministry of Mines and Energy employees so that we can know each other and work together to prevent any form of mining in the Park”, Sheriff told JPN team of journalists.

“Besides, what is happening in the National Park, for the past two years we have chased dredge miners in our control area and we remain committed to that,” Mr, Sheriff said.

“We are all human some time things happened before we get the information and that was the case with the guys that took their dredge into the Park”, he explains.

Illegal hunting tanks built along the Mano River in the Gola Park[photo: Mark Dahn/JPN]

The Executive Director of the Society for the Conservation of Nature(SCNL) Mr. Michael Garbo condemned the act of dredge mining and  continued hunting in the National reserve.

“It’s disheartening, frustrating and worrisome that we all agreed to create the National park and to see today that people will move in the park to do dredge mining and illicit hunting”,Mr. Garbo expressed.

“The FDA is having Rangers around the Gola Forest National Park, dredge is not a small thing that you can move without anyone seeing it, so how come this one happened”, he argued.

“It is a shame for the people to enter the Protected Area to do mining and hunting after the EU, Rainforest Trust, USAID and even the Government invested millions of Dollars established the Park”,Mr. Garbo emphasized.

“The Government through the FDA needs to do all in its power to ensure that those kinds of illicit can be brought to an immediate halt restore the sanity of the Park”

“People who are falsely using the name of the Ministry of Mines and Energy to do illicit mining need be prosecuted to deter other from other from do so,”He insisted.

The Gola forest National Park (GNFP) is homed to some of the world’s endangered wildlife species which include but not limited to the African elephant, Zebra Deiker, the wild Chimpanzee among others.

The area is also homed to the recently discovered Golamalinbe bird species, the picathartes, as well as thousands of plant species that are only unique to Liberia.

Wildlife threats

Human pressure continues to mount on several wildlife and biodiversity in the Gola Forest National Park especially from some unscrupulous including illicit miners and hunters are continuing their activities into the middle of the national park.

As local NGO and law enforcement officers exert efforts to curb the threats, these illegal activities continue to undermine best conservation practice.

These illegal activities violate laws creating the Gola Forest national Park and the wildlife act of 2015.

Gola Forest National Park is home to several biodiversity species only unique to Liberia[photo: JPN Liberia]

An investigation conducted by the group unveiled that live animal couldn’t easily be found in the national park due to constant  hunting of wildlife. 

Fresh shells

During JPN investigation, fresh single barrel shells were seemed scattered in the park suggesting continued hunting of wildlife.

Hunters that go in the Park under the pretend of fishing on the Mano River are the same people engaged in the hunting of bush meat in the park.

Most of those fishing in the Park are based on the Island between Mano and Moa Rivers as well as Kawelahum near neighboring Sierra Leone.

Kawelahum assistant town Chief only identified as Massally was one person that took a group of people in the park to fish where they  have built tanks to conduct their fishing activities.

JPN investigation established that the Park is totally venerable to hunters, fishers and miners because of the less presence of FDA Rangers in strategic areas of the Park.




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