Liberia: Swedish envoy stresses need for women empowerment in rural Liberia

Swedish ambassador to Liberia, Nigrid Wetterqvist alongside Bong Dist.#6 Rep Moima Briggs Mensah

By Emmanuel Bondo| Contributor

Swedish ambassador to Liberia, Nigrid  Wetterqvist says plans are underway by her  government and UN woman for the promotion of youth programs in five counties in Liberia.

Madam Wetterqvist made the disclosure recently when she paid a courtesy visit to Bong county district#6 lawmaker, Moima Briggs Mensah in the area.

According to Amb. Wetterqvist, her visit to Salala district was intended to interact with women in Lower Bong county and get firsthand information about  challenges they are confronted with in the area.

“The fact that the women of Salala district are backing their Lawmaker by providing arguments, and also providing solutions is a very important contribution to Liberia,” she disclosed.

She further stressed that her visitation  reflects on a development program that is run by what is called,”the Femalist Foreign Policy.”

She however disclosed as,she has been requesting for more attention to be given to women, women experiences, women ideas to promote change, and women views to what is needed in society.

The Swedish diplomat maintained that real change can only come when men and women are working together in one accord.

 “There is no opposition between men and women, that is to do a better balance so that women are seen as men are also seen,”she added.

Ambassador Wetterqvist at the same time thanked the women of Salala district for electing a female Representative as their Lawmaker.

She said there are eight female Representatives in the House of Representatives as such more attention should be given to women to speak out.

For her part Representative Moima Briggs Mensah expressed delights in the foreign diplomat and praised the women of Salala district for their cordial relationship.

“I am very much pleased and impressed to have received Amb. Ingrid Wetterqvist and let me say thanks to you women for being my  backbones, “on Briggs said.

Representative Briggs Mensah has at the same time revealed to reporters that the women of Salala district contributed the highest number of votes to her ascendency as Representative of district #6,during the 2017 general election and will always stand by them in improving their living condition.


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