Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund supports SCNL to improve freshwater KBAs in Liberia

Lake Piso in Robertsport City is one of the freshwater bodies in Liberia

The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) will Tuesday March 9, 2021 begin a two-day workshop to improve the conservation of Freshwater biodiversity in Liberia.

Liberia holds four of the thirteen Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund(CEPF) Freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas in the upper Guinea Forests of West Africa.

According to a release from the Journalists for the Protection of Nature, the two-day workshop will equip participants with the requisite knowledge and skills in designing proposal that focuses on the improvement of Freshwater Key Biodiversity Area in the Country.

The proposal is intended to solicit funds for the reassessment and updating of existing species of the four freshwater sites in Liberia including fishes, plants and invertebrates.

Meanwhile, the workshop funded by the CEPF will lead to the identification and validation of the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) and the CEPF project of West Africa freshwater Key Biodiversity Area.

The release said the validation and identification of the four freshwater KBAs in Liberia is based on the Red List Assessments from The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in West Africa.

The participants will be drawn from government ministries and agencies, Conservation organizations, UNDP and the EU.


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