Liberia: stakeholders embark on NDC Validation process

More than eight sectors are participating in the NDC Validation process(photo: Darius Barrolle/EPA)

Buchanan, Grand Bassa_ Stakeholders in the transportation, environmental, forestry, waste, energy as well as health and agriculture sectors of Liberia have began technical validation of Liberia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for onward submission to donor.
The NDC is part of the Paris climate change agreement signed in 2015 for which Liberia is a signatory.
The validation process was drawn out of a technical report which was recently submitted to the Liberia Environmental Protection Agency to enable the country submit its second NDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) secretariat.
Taking place in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, the NDC technical validation is being held under the theme:” sitting the stage for broader technical participation in NDC implementation in Liberia”.

NDC-in-country facilitator for Liberia John Kannah said Liberia is expected to submit its 2nd NDC report by June 2021 despite numerous challenges facing the process compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.
He admonished Liberians to take the process as their own to ensure its timely implementation.

He said the document was technically handled by Liberians and hope to see it validated after considering all inputs gathered.

Meanwhile, the country manager of Conservation International Peter Mulbah is admonishing Liberians to pose seriousness to the NDC document noting that the instrument is “our own”.

The two day workshop will at the same time bring together stakeholders to develop a multi-disciplinary strategy to combat climate change across the board.
According to the organizers, the process will ensure a review and consolidated views about options for ambitious climate mitigation and adaptation targets, policies and measures in all sectors.

It is being funded by the European Union (EU), Conservation International (CI), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the NDC partnership and implemented under the auspices of Environmental Protection  Agency of Liberia.

Liberia is in the final stages of the NDC revision and has been holding a number of important workshops to gather the most needed inputs across from country all sectors, CSOs, government agencies, private sectors including universities.

Liberia initiated a process for reviewing its NDC to prepare and communicate an updated version to the UNFCCC secretariat.

 NDC objectives

Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of these long-term goals. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

About 8 countries have so far submitted their second NDCS to the Paris climate Change Agreement since 2020.