Liberia concludes second NDC revision for submission and implementation

Stakeolders posted for photo at the end of the two day technical validation process.jpg[photo: Mark Dahn]

Liberia has finalized series of concert steps gear towards the submission of its second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCC)secretariat for funding support.

It followed the conclusion of a two-day technical review of the NDC in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County by stakeholders from the forestry, agriculture, fisheries, health, waste, transportation, energy sector of Liberia.

Liberia effort to submit its second NDC to the UNFCCC is in response to the Paris Climate change accord which provides for onward submission of the NDC by members Countries to the donor community.

 The initiative is intended to seek donor funding in support of global efforts in the fight against climate change.

However, at the two-day even stakeholders presented their perspectives on processes leading to the successful implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for Liberia.

Liberia Environmental protection Agency (EPA) and its partners; Conservation International, European Union (EU), the NDC partnership and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are leading uncompromising efforts to ensure that Liberia submit its NDC by June 2021 to the UNFCCC Secretariat, in an attempt to accelerate efforts to mitigate carbon emission and temperature rise resulting from forest degradation and deforestation.

EPA manager for multilateral environmental agreements, Jefferson Nyenebo, expressed happiness on behalf of his entity for validation of the NDC and encouraged stakeholders involved in the process to support the realization of NDC goal.

“The indicator here is that this process is nationally owned as the definition depicts and this show that Liberia has got its own technicians to do this”, he said.

According to him the NDC for Liberia will be costed-meaning cost will be attached which is a major interest to donor.

JEFFERSON NYENBO, EPA Manager for Multilateral Environmental agreements.jpg[photo: Mark Dahn/LPR]

For his part, the NDC-in-country facilitator John Kannah said Liberia is on track to ensuring that the country’s second NDC is submitted in a timely manner despite numerous challenges including the coronavirus pandemic outbreak in the country.

He noted that the inputs of technical team will create a strategic focus on how Liberia proceed with the NDC iniative.

At the same time, the country manager of Conservation International Peter Mulbah  admonished Liberians to take  NDC document  seriously by taking a patriotic ownership of the process.

Mr. Mulbah offered his CI commitment and support to the NDC process for the common good of the environmental sector of the Country.

He said CI has always supported Liberia in so many ways especially the mitigation of climate change.

Peter Mulbah Country Manager of Conservation International.jpg [photo: LPR images]

Liberia is in the final stages of the NDC revision and has been holding a number of important workshops to gather the most needed inputs across from country all sectors, CSOs, government agencies, private sectors including universities.

Liberia initiated a process for reviewing its NDC to prepare and communicate an updated version to the UNFCCC secretariat.

What is Liberia progress so far?

The government of Liberia submitted its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015, outlining the country’s intended action to contribute to the global efforts to combat climate change.

What is the technical workshop objective?

The technical validation workshop brought together stakeholders to develop a multi-disciplinary strategy vision to combat climate Change cross the world.

The process at the end will ensure review and consolidated views about options for the most ambitious mitigation climate   plan.

Stakeholders from each sector working group presented the way forward on how Liberia can remain committed to the Paris climate Change Accord. The activities will continue with the costing of activities within the NDC process for the country.

 NDC objectives

Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of these long-term goals. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

About eight countries have so far submitted their second NDCS to the Paris climate Change Agreement since 2020.

The NDC was drawn out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, which Liberia is a signatory and focuses on ways to mitigate carbon emission and temperature rise.


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