Liberia: 100-year-old man gets his first modern house in Rivercess

Oldman Philips James has lived in a deplorable makeshift hut in the Village of Cee Town, Rivercess County for more than 90 years

By Emmanuel Wise Jipoh|Executive Mansion Reporter

Cee Town, RiverCess_President George Manneh Weah on Sunday met a 100-year-old Man in Cee Town Rivercess County – the oldest living male in that part of Liberia and turnover a modern two-bed rooms House to the senior citizen.

It was an emotional scene to witness as the President presented the keys of the house to the old man who has never ever live in such an upgraded infrastructure.

He graciously thanked the President and in his own words said, “Mr. President you will live long”. Sitting in his chair the recipient nervously continued by saying, “You made me see a president for the first time in my entire life”. God bless you.

As part of the presentation at least 37- modern Houses  which was constructed by the Managing Director of the National Port Authority Bill Twehway in his native Cee Town, were   to his People and the 100-year-old,Philip James was a recipient.

 Liberia Public Radio Executive Mansion correspondent said  the centenarian was much grateful to meet a president for the first time in his life as it was transform from a poor shelter to a mansion in his word.

100-year-old Philip James says he was happy to see a president for the first time in his life

Oldman Philips James has lived in a deplorable makeshift hut in the Village of Cee Town, Rivercess County for more than 90 years and had never dream of living in a modern House of such kind and to meet a president in his entire life, our correspondent added.

President George Manneh Weah  turned  over the keys of the modern construct to the 100-year-old man as part of his commitment to transforming the life and livelihood of every Liberian.

The Liberian leader said  frequently he will do all in his power to transform the lives of the common people and ensure that Liberia is on path developmentally like other nations, noting that  this was just few of kind gesture to Liberians as President by constructing  100-housing units  across the 15-counties.

“Cee Town has benefitted from a modern 37-well-infrasture houses through Hon. Bill Tweahway a son of the village who is strong confidant of Liberian leader President George Manneh Weah”, he adds.

For his part, Mr. Bill Tweahway has said to Journalists, the Constructions of the Modern 37- houses means to buttress Government efforts to transforming the lives of Liberians living in the rural and slum communities.

Tweahway maintained that he is emulating the good examples and true legacy of his leader, President George Weah to put smiles on the faces of the less fortunate people and as well give them their lost desire of dignified living condition.

It was an emotional scene to witness as the President presented the keys of the house to the 100 old man

President Weah then lauds Mr. Bill Twehway for the excellent initiatives, He thanked the NPA Boss for his farsightedness in taking the Government to the natives by the Constructions of a modern homes, which is emulate good example of the Pro-Poor agenda .

Meanwhile, Modern Houses were well electrify with fresh running water Air -conditions, among other modern infrastructure.


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