Liberia: Local Charity group ends three Days Unification tournament to mark celebration

Participants of the tournament post with officials[photo: Calvin Quays/LPR-TV]

By Calvin Quays |Contributor

As Liberians celebrate the 57th National Unification Day this week, the Isaac Krah Foundation (IKF) on Sunday ended three-day Unification Tournament in Buzzy Quarters Community in order to foster peace and unity among the people.

The tournament which kick out Friday May 7, 2021 at the Buzzy Quarters sport pitch on the beach behind the Barclay Training Center (BTC), brought together most of the inhabitants both old and young to participate in the Kickball and football games.

The community was divided into four blocks from A to D between the young and older people in football and Kick ball games respectively.

The tournament was under the sponsorship of  Isaac Krah Foundation provided trophies and cash prizes for the male and female teams which further strengthen good sportmanship during the tournament.

The tournament which was the first  of it kind to be organized by the Buzzy Quarters Community in collaboration with the Isaac Krah Foundation brought about happiness and joy in the faces of the community dwellers which was described as a good thing to unite them.

The football trophy was won by the Block B -Team while the Kickball trophy was won by Block B female Team respectively.

Presented the trophies and cash prizes to the winners in the Unification Tournament, Engineer Isaac K. Krah who is also Chairman of the Slipway and Crown Hill Community said the tournament is intended to unify dwellers in the various communities in Electoral District #8 in Montserrado County.

Engineer Krah noted that sport is one of the a key components  to enhance reconciliation and unity any society and Liberia cannot be exception.

He stressed  that the foundation will continue to seek the welfare of communities in the district and the county at large.

He expressed thanks and appreciation  to the various teams in the Buzzy Quarters Community for exhibiting good sportsmanship during tournament.