Liberia: CARI in dying need of Government Support

CARI headquarters in Bong [Panoramio]

By Emmanuel Bondo| Contributor 

The head of agriculture department at Central Agricultural Research Institute, Mr. Mandela Hinneh has called on the Liberian government and partners to provide needed research materials to the institution.

Mr. Hinneh made the remark on Friday May 14, 2021 in an interview with reporters in Suakoko, Bong County.

According to him, agriculture integration remains major priority of the department of agriculture of the institution.

He said, the department of agriculture is moving its attention to other systems of farming that will add economic value to agriculture in Liberia.

Mr. Hinneh furthered that the intent of the department in the production of different commodities is to generate income and aid farmers in the country.

He said despite challenges face by CARI, it has qualify researchers, who can boost Liberia’s agriculture sector.

He at The same time noted that the lack of functional laboratory remains major challenge for the institution, something he said government needs to act swiftly to solve the problem.

“There are men and Women at the research station who have acquired quality education around the world, but the lack of functional laboratory at the institution is a major challenge for these researchers”, he said.

Meanwhile Mr. Hinneh reaffirmed CARI commitment to providing technical assistances to farmers in order to help  produce food on larger scale on the Liberian markets.

CARI has been in dying need of support since 2019 as many of its facility properties were looted by its former administrators.


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