Health Ministry returns Senator Dillon’s $7,500 USD donated Cash to him

Dr. Wahpoe Minsiter Jallah and Abel Plackie Political officer of Senator Dillon

Montserrado County Health Team has return to Senator Abraham Darius Dillon US$ 7,500 he give them to help fight the second wave of Covid-19.

 The money was returned Tuesday July 20, 2021 by Dr. Yatta Wapoe head the Montserrado County health on the grounds of the Capitol in Monrovia following an instruction form Health Minister De. Whilemina Jallah.

 In her communication to Dr. Wahpoe Minsiter Jallah said the Incident Management System (IMS), is not in the position to accept such donation from Senator Dillon or any other Lawmakers at the time of an ongoing pandemic and public outcry concerning the sources and exact purpose of the fund.

 Dr. Jallah communication indicated that given the huge debate relating to the US$15,000 (fifteen thousand United States Dollars) received by members of the Legislature, the Ministry would like to urge the Senator Dillon to consider other priority rather than dragging the Incident Management System in the US$15,000 saga.

 The Health Minister communication noted the IMS receives donations from private citizens, organizations, but could not accept Senator Dillon’s gesture because it is cautious about the sources of the fund amidst its challenges.

 She called on Dr. Whapoe to return the money to Senator Dillon until further clarification is made as the IMS look forward to the supplementary budget allocation from the Legislature to enhance her effort against the pandemic.

  COVID-19 fight politicized

 Receiving the money in cash, the Political Officer in the office of Montserrado County Abraham Darius Dillon, Abel Plackie said the donation by Senator Dillon was done in good faith but expressed sadness that the government of President Weah would chose to politicize a health crisis.

 According Plackie, the action by the Ministry health to return a kind gesture from a Liberian intended to save lives just because it is from an opposition figure is a manifestation that Weah administration do not care about the well-being of her people.

 Plackie indicated that the office of Senator Dillon received the Money in good faith and will still have it used for its intended purposed.

 Plackie, a former Deputy Press Secretary during the President Sirleaf era, praised Montseerado County Health team head Dr. Yatta Wapoe for been generous to the office Senator Dillon and descended on Health Minister Wilhemina Jallah whom he said misinform the country about how much Liberia paid for Madagascar herb during the first phase of the Covid-19 outbreak.

 Government action condemnable    

 Reacting to the action by the of the government through the Ministry of health, Charles Brown, an advocate of staffers rights at the Liberian Legislature, condemned the Liberian government noting the Ministry of Health was bringing the sentiments to the fight against Covid-19.

 Brown mentioned the decision by the government to return the money clearly shows that it is not serious to fight the virus and was playing games with lives of the Liberian people.

 “Go to JFK, and other hospitals around the country, they are empty no drugs and they are rejecting, what an embarrassing day for Country” Brown said.

 Brown indicted that assertion by the Minister that the sources and purpose of the money was under question is completely hilarious noting that the action was on the instruction of President George Weah.

 He accused the Liberian leader of not doing enough to unify the country, indicating that behavior exhibited by the Ministry under his stewardship as President, clearly indicates poor leadership.

 It can be recalled that the Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon last month give Montserrado Health Team UD$ 7,500 dollars from the US$ 15,000 he received as legislative engagement fund.

 The lawmakers decision make allotment for legislative engagement in the national budget and subsequently receiving it when the country was fighting a health crisis, raised serious eyebrow in the public with many calling on the lawmakers to return the money.

 But lawmakers has been justifying their decision to take the money with some vowing to accept such money if it comes their way again.