About eighteen County-based staff of government ministries, agencies and commissions from Maryland, RiverGee, Grand Kru and Grand Gedeh, have completed a four day result based planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting training in southeastern part of Liberia.
The four days training was organized by the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit at the Ministry of Finance and Development planning with full support from the United Nations Children Funds (UNICEF), and conducted from July 19-22, 2021 in Harper Maryland County.
The capacity building training was held under the theme “strengthening sub-national staff and officials capacities for developing effectiveness and efficiencies”.
The objective was to increase and strengthen the knowledge and skills of the MACs sub-offices staff and county officials in contemporary results-based monitoring and reporting to improve the quality of their reports on outcomes of County Development Agenda.
The Professionalism, Efficiency, Result-Orientation and Trustworthiness (PERT), a hired consultant administered the four days sessions.
Mr. Barward Johnson of PERT informed participants that a project is a temporary undertaking to create a unique product, service or result.
‘’ A project has a defined start and end point and specific objectives that, when attained, signify completion. This means that a project is unique in terms of the outcome they produce, how they are conducted, staffing, stakeholders, resources are used, but temporary is when they do not have perpetual existence; they have a specific end point” he said.
According to him, project design refers to the process of making a conceptual framework of a project to show how the project will be initiated, implemented, monitored and evaluated.
He noted that projects should always be structured as possible solutions to identified and defined problems. In a project, problem and solution analysis is a critical methodology for designing projects.
He stated that the problem tree is a useful tool in defining problems, their relationships and essentially the rationale for a project. ‘’ Remember a project is a solution to an existing problem, project design should start with the identification and subsequent analysis of the problem you intend to solve’’ he said.
He cautioned participants to observe the new COVID-19 wave in the country announced by the Government, and to take all preventive and social distancing measures as prescribed by the Ministry of Health and the Incident Management Team of the country.
The four days training workshop was attended by Development Superintendents, County Inspectors, County Project Planners, Regional Development officers, County Monitoring officers from Maryland, River Gee, Grand Kru and Grand Gedeh Counties including the Ministry of Finance Development Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst.
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