Senior Liberian Army officer clears of child rape allegation

Liberian soliders in Mali
A platoon of the Armed forces of Liberia on peacekeeping mission in Mali since 2013

An investigation censored by the Ministry of Defense and carryout by the Ministry of Justice through the Liberia National Police has exonerated officer Nyankun E. Williams of the Armed Forces of Liberia to the commission of rape.

Findings of the Ministry of Justice investigation revealed that statements recorded from witnesses during the enquiry lack corroboration to link suspect Nyankun E. Williams to the commission of the crime RAPE.

In the report release issued in Monrovia Tuesday August 10, 2021, LNP noted that allegation of rape levied against Lt. COL. Nyankun E. Williams by Sgt. Obento Roberts lack evidence to link suspect Williams to the crime of RAPE.

The investigation was commissioned following a complain On April 26, 2021, by Sergeant Obento Roberts, personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia who is presently serving the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in Mali, against Lieutenant Colonel Nyankun E. Williams to Headquarters Armed Forces of Liberia about having sexual intercourse with his 16 years old daughter.

The complainant’s communication according to AFL officials was received on April 28, 2021.

The released noted that following the receipt of the complainant’s communication, the Military Police Unit which is the investigative unit of the Armed Forces of Liberia was instructed to conduct an immediate investigation into the allegation against Lieutenant Colonel Nyankun E. Williams which findings were turnover to the Minister of National Defense and later forwarded to the Ministry of Justice.

The Ministry of The Liberia Ministry of National Defense has an MoU with the Ministry of Justice for handling such matters.

The Memorandum of Understanding states, “That any service member who is suspected or accused of committing serious offense or offenses against civilians, shall be turned over to the Ministry of Justice for investigation and prosecution in line with Article II of the MoU.”

According to Ministry of Defense release, the Women and Children Protection Section of the Liberia National Police turned over its investigative report to the Ministry of Justice On July 15, 2021 and Lieutenant Colonel Nyankun E. Williams was clear of the allegation brought against him.

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