Abidjan_ Ivorian health authorities of the Ministry of Health, have disclosed in Abidjan of what appeared to be a “Positive case” of the Ebola Virus.
The announcement came after the examination of a sample taken on August 13, 2021 in the medical emergencies of government’s hospital, CHU of Cocody on a young girl aged 18, of Guinean nationality.
“This young girl left Labé in Guinea for Abidjan by road she arrived in Côte d’Ivoire on August 11 and was diagnosed and taken care of immediately by our health services on August 12, 2021 at 8 p.m.”
“The patient is currently in isolation and cared for at the treatment center for Highly Epidemic Diseases at the University Hospital of Treichville, Cote d’Ivoire has vaccines against Ebola and the Government will vaccinate target groups (front-line health personnel, immediate patient contact, security forces at points of entry, etc.).”
According to information gathered by Liberia Public Radio a rapid heath the government of Cote d’Ivoire under the chair of Prime Minister, Patrick Achi.
The Ivorian government has also announced some measures to be put into place to combat the deadly Ebola Virus are as follow;
– Reactivation of community surveillance of the Ebola response;
– Organization of the follow-up of all identified contacts;
– Awareness, prevention, diagnosis and management of confirmed cases;
– Immediate vaccination of target groups;
– Compliance with guidelines for the diagnosis and management of hemorrhagic fevers;
Continuation of strict compliance with the barrier measures enacted against COVID-19, which remain valid for Ebola virus disease;
– Intense cross-border collaboration with Guinea; among others.