Pres. Weah Reinstates Water & Sewer Boss after audit report clear him

Duannah and deputy were accused of misapplying more than US$99,000.00 of entrusted funding for the Water & Sewer cooperation

Liberia’s President Dr. George Manneh Weah on Thursday reinstated the Managing Director of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) Duannah Kamara who was cleared of wrongdoing General Auditing Commission (GAC) following Corruption fraud.

Kamara was set freed by the GAC after a tougher investigation was done by the Commission to found who was guilty in the Corruption scandal.

Mr. Kamara and his deputy were suspended on June 10, 2021, by the Liberian Chief Executive following reports of disturbances and allegations of corruption at the entity.

A leaked audio recording  of Recording on Questionable Authorization of US$900k for Contractor might cause his suspension.

However a report of the enquiry into the allegations, which was submitted to the president in June, contained no adverse findings against Mr. Kamara and his deputy,” therefore the President has pardon his guys to resumed work as heads of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC) an executive mansion release has said.

At the same time President Weah has appointed Bishop George Harris as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation.


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