WE4SELF Concludes 2-day National Colloquium on SGBV

Executive Director of We4self Mrs. Janet Walker Pyne

The Women Empowerment for self Empowerment We4Self recently concluded a National Colloquium on Sexual gender- base Violence (SGBV).

Speaking to LPR on the concept of the National Judiciary Colloquium on SGBV, the Executive Director of We4self Mrs. Janet Walker Pyne, said to two-way National Judicial Colloquium on Sexual gender -base violence- Madam Pyne said the intent is to help Women of Liberia improve and increase their knowledge and response to sexual gender base violence (SGBV).

According to Madam Pyne, why was it a national Judiciary Colloquium, because the Judiciary is key actor in addressing SGBV, because they are at the courts and preside of SGBV cases. Therefore lawyers was brought together to brainstorm on the court processes of SGBV related matters.

Madam Pyne explaining to Liberia Public radio said the National Judiciary Colloquium on SGBV brought together dwellers from various communities, lawyers and CSOs as participants get to understand the key judiciary processess of SGBV and how to response to those issues.

At the end of the National Judiciary Colloquium on SGBV, participants was encourage to intensify the fight against Sexual gender base violence SGBV in Liberia.

WE4SELF is an indigenous Liberian Non-Governmental Organization with focus on women, young women, youth and children because of their vulnerability in disaster and conflict situations.

Meanwhile, WE4SELF is an Empowerment organization that work with Women in daily saving loan empowerment and Agriculture activities, the non- Governmental Organization has worked in ten of the fifteen counties of Liberia and maintains sub-offices in River Cess, River Gee, Sinoe, Grand Cape Mount, Maryland, Bomi, Bong and Grand Kru Counties.


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