After failing MCC benchmark, Liberia rallies congress for second grant support

Liberia under current president George Weah did not meet the required benchmark of her first MCC grant as required by each country.

Liberia is making move to be granted the second chance for the U.S. Government Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact grant after failing to meet the previous 5-year US$257 Million grant  benchmark from 2015 to 2020.

 An influential U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham has committed to rallying his congressional colleagues of the Republican Party to sign a “Letter of Support” for Liberia’s second bid of the coveted Compact Program under the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

The MCC Development Assistance is a U.S. government foreign aid program that provides beneficiary countries time-bound grants which are targeted at ensuring economic growth, reducing poverty and strengthening governmental institutions. The investments of the MCC do not only support a country’s stability and prosperity, but also enhance American Interests.

According to a dispatch from the U.S., the respected Senator from South Carolina, while meeting with a high-level Liberian Government delegation which is currently visiting Washington DC, committed to work with his colleagues to get Liberia a second shot at benefiting from the MCC Strategic Assistance Program.

“I‘ll do a letter in support of Liberia’s Bid and have my Republican Colleagues sign up on to it in favor of your country“, Senator Graham was quoted by statement from the Liberian government as saying.

He is currently a ranking member of the Budget Committee and also serves the U.S. Congress Committee on Appropriations and Judiciary. Senator Graham is regarded by many as a person whose voice is weighty in determining the direction of U.S. Government’s International development assistance.

Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel D Tweah Jr. , as part of the Liberian Government’s delegation, had earlier made the country’s case to Senator Graham, seeking his support, while also citing the close historical ties that exist between both nations and Liberia’s work with the U.S. at bilateral and multilateral institutions to garner technical and financial support for Liberia’s Economic recovery.

“We ran a very successful MCC Program inherited from the previous administration and are seeking your support to get us back on the MCC Compact for a second program,” the Minister said.

The Weah Administration is hoping to get   around 500-million dollars to fund its ambitious road and infrastructure development drive under the national development roadmap – the Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development.

The Chief of office staff of President George Weah who is  Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel F. Mcgill, is heading a  delegation,  who apprised Congressman Graham of the delegation’s overall mission to Washington, noting that they are exploring greater opportunities with the Biden Administration, including U.S. Lawmakers,

He hopes that Corporate Policy Maker like Congressman Graham could positively enhance Liberia’s visibility in the U.S. political, corporate and social arenas.

“We are messengers of President Weah whose government represents the poor people of Liberia and believe we must bring our message and agenda to the United States for attention and assistance for our country that was founded by freed slaves from here,” he said.

Continuing, Minister Mcgill informed the Senator “Next Year, we [Liberia] celebrate 200 years since the first batch of the freed slaves from the U.S. settled in Liberia leading to the founding of the Republic. There has to be a massive U.S. involvement in celebrating this bicentennial”.

In 2015, the government of Liberia signed a US$257 million MCC grant to booster growth in the country; targeting energy sector, road and other economic revitalization program.

However, at the end of its five-year implementation, the government of Liberia fell short to be qualified for round two of the MCC compact grant.

Liberia under current president George Weah did not meet the required benchmark of the MCC as required by each country to score at least 10 of the 20 points in each quarterly reporting period.