Adegboyeya Dominic Atolagbe, a young musician

As part of effort to contribute immensely to win souls for the kingdom of God on earth, a young passionate and Assistant  Director of music at the International Fellowship of Christians in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire has launched a song book title “Sing 3 Parts Harmony”.

Speaking on Saturday, October 2, 2021 during the official launching ceremony held at the International Fellowship of Christians in Abidjan Mr. Adegboyeya Dominic Atolagbe reflected on his journey as a young musician growing up in his home country, Nigeria where he started as pianist for some years before moving to Cote d’Ivoire.

Description of 3-parts harmony song book, this book contains 100 gospel songs and these songs are represented in tonic-solfa and also harmonised, (Harmony is when two or more notes are played together, and it is the relationship between two or more pitches).

According to the book pf Colossians 3: 16 teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs! Halleluyah! This book is birthed to fulfill that scripture, to provide us with a tool of praise and worship to our God, a tool to encourage each other as a congregation and as families.

Mr. Atolagbe further noted that book will help people sing songs properly in the right tune if God feeds on praise.

The author of the book noted that there were challenges that he encountered during the preparing of the song book such as, such as finance, time and resources, but he did not give up.

He also lauded the efforts of one of the longtime serving Elders, Mr. Ernest Achono of the International Fellowship of Christians (IFC) church who inspired Dominic about the song book project.

“Value of this book, releasing Potentials some people will get this book and focus on it, and before you know it they are music directors”.

“Creating an enabling environment for kids to grow with the right knowledge about singing and doing music in general”.

“Posterity – To preserve a heritage for generations to come” further stressing the value of his first song book publication.

Where can this book be used?

Anywhere that music and worship is done, Churches, schools, companies and organizations etc…

Is this really for me?

You might be asking yourself if this is really for you that is cool don´t see yourself out of place.

“Remember when Android phones came people were skeptical about it, but they kept plugging away and soon we got the hang of it”.

What about social media- some people were like this is not my thing!

“Theory of use or disuse the use or disuse theory explains that the parts of an organism that the organism uses will undergo hypertrophy and will become more developed, hypertrophy is the growth of a specific organ or tissue, so by this idea, the more an organism uses a part of its body, the larger and more developed that part will become”.