New EU funded project to transform Cassava launched in Liberia

Cassava is Liberia second major food but many lack the ability to process it

The CERATH Development Organization (CDO), European Union (EU) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture have launched the Cassava Transformation Project in Liberia.

Madam Stefania Marrone, Head for Infrastructure and Resilience said   EU is contributing with US$5.2 million that represents 90% total budget of US$6.5 million.

She indicated that project which is a four-year program started mid-April 2021, and founded under the EU’s regional West Africa Competitiveness Program.

“Our implementing partners were selected under a direct award, and we worked closely with Marketing Director from the Ministry of Agriculture which represented the Liberian Government on the evaluation committee,” She added.

Madam Marrone said the project is implemented in five counties in Liberia’s southeast and they are Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland, Grand Kru and Sinoe.

She stressed that the overall objective of the action is to enhance the competitiveness and regional integration of Liberia’s cassava sector through a value chains approach with a focus on sustained production, value addition, entrepreneurship and sustainable markets.

She revealed that the main pathways that the project will use are to strengthen efficiency of actors engaged in the cassava value-chain, enhanced production, processing and commercialization of the cassava value chain.

The project will enhance financial sustainability and commercial viability of the chain and strengthened policies and other incentives to stimulate the commercialization of the cassava sector.

Earlier, Deputy Minister for Planning and Development at the Ministry of Agriculture, Robert K. Fagan who officially launched the project said mechanism should be put placed to sustained the project.
Minister Fagan stated that Liberia has the potential to produce huge quantity of cassava.
He noted that the lack of good roads in rural parts of the country are impeding the growth and development of Liberian farmers.

European Union officials along Ministry of Agriculture authority at the launch of the project [photo: Calvin Quays]

For his part, the Country Director of the CERATH Development Organization, Leroy Kanmoh said the project aimed is to strengthen efficient farmer cooperative and other value chain actors with increased value chain connectivity.

Director Kanmoh stated that the project will also addressed reduction in post-harvest losses.

He added that the increased cassava value addition with commercialization in the project landscape would enhance the sector.

The CERATH Development Organization is a non-profit entity focused on catalyzing development within rural and urban communities of Africa.