“Prioritize local Liberian contractor companies”

Local Liberian contractors say they too have the "technical know how"

The need to prioritize local Liberian construction firms in awarding government contracts has been stressed.

Many huge construction projects in Liberia have since been awarded to foreign firms on grounds that Liberian contractors do not have the capacity to do so.

But Ramadan Contractor Services Incorporated, a local construction group has strongly refuted the thinking that many Liberian firms lack the capacity to implement bigger construction project.

Ramadan  Finance and Administrative Manager, Alexander N. Squire said Liberian Government needs to prioritize local Construction Companies in awarding government’s projects because they too have the ‘technical know-how’ like any foreign firms who have been given lucrative construction projects.

 He said the giving local construction contracts to Liberian organization would help strengthen in the Infrastructure development of the country.

Mr. Squire spoke recently in an Interview with Liberia Public Radio in Monrovia when the company was honored as good, Reliable and Productive Company by the Society for the Promotion of Peace and National Reconciliation and Reunification held in Monrovia.

He stressed that more local companies have the requisite expertise in the construction industrial sector over the years to perform up to international standard.

He revealed that the Ramadan Company has modern technological capabilities to designs and constructs the latest modern buildings and roads pavement to enhance the beautification of the country
Manager Squire maintained that his company also in the process of promoting Liberia image   abroad with some works in neighboring countries in the sub-region.

He said it is critical to award some government projects to local companies to improve the financial viability of these in the country.

 Despite challenges confronting local construction companies, he said are striving to build their capacities to compete with foreign companies for government projects around the nation.

Manager Squire believes that Liberians are competent enough the transform the local construction industries to meet international standard of modern facility around the world.