Vice president Jewel Howard Taylor decry ‘disunity’ among CDCians ahead of 2023

Liberian Vice President Jewel Taylor

Liberia’s Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor says the deception within the CDC is responsible for defeats in successive elections in the central Bong County.

 According to Madam Taylor, some unnamed stewards have not been supporting the choice of the ruling establishment, although she opted to hide the names of them.

VP Taylor admitted these differences are responsible for the continuous political slaps dating 2018 to present.

She feels if the party must progress in the county, it’s time that they reunion ahead of 2023 General Elections.

Since 2018, the Coalition for Democratic Change has not won any political seat in Bong County.

Three elections have been conducted in Bong- two by-elections and a senatorial election; something that opposition political parties have won.

The recent By-election, according to political analyst, has publicly exposed the weaknesses of CDC to the public; thereby calling for unity.

The recent By-elections across four counties deeply witnessed unexpected results against the ruling establishment.

“One major thing observed is that, some of the members of CDC were supporting others, instead of the CDC candidate.

This in my mind, was a complete understanding situation. We can’t put up a candidate, then you support another person over our candidate.

This shows a lack of commitment and trust in the party,” VP Taylor lamented after  National Elections Commission through its Chairperson, Madam Davidetta Browne Lassanah had pronounced Mr.  James M. Kolleh, PUP as the representative elect of district#2 in Bong County with 4283 (33.28%) votes ahead CDC’s Melvin Salvage 3,882 (30.17%) votes and Independent Candidate, Edward Emmanuel Gboe with 2497 (19.4%) votes across its 22 precincts and 70 polling places in the district.

In Bong County, the Coalition for Democratic Change supported politically hushed Melvin Salvage, Professor Francis Maimwhean of Nimba, Findah Lassana of Bomi and Jeremiah Sokan of Grand Gedeh Counties; except Findah, the three lost; according to NEC’s pronouncement. 

According to Vice President Taylor, during the by-election, only a few people supported the CDC candidate while the rest chose to publicly support other candidates in the process.

“I need to say the truth like I always do. The process that we were in showed that we were not united. Whenever a house is divided against itself, it will not stand; that is the basic problem we have as a party.

There were members in all of the parties- that is, the CDC, NPP and LPDP that supported different candidates. We didn’t come together in one accord,” VP Taylor openly started days after the by-election recently in the county.

“If we put our house in order and are prepared to work with each other, I believe many more positive things will happen ahead of 2023. I think that is the main problem that we have” she recommended.

The first female Vice President of Liberia however disclosed that “if we remain divided on personal issues, than we will continue to have the issues that we have VP Taylor Narrated.