LEITI ends a two-day orientation for Multi-Stakeholder Group Members


The Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative LEITI, on thursday, December 16, 2021, kickstarts a two-day orientation for members of the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) held at the Boulevard Palace hotel in Sinkor, Monrovia.

The two- day orientation aims to orientate new MSG Members on the LEITI Act, MSG policy manual and present the LEITI Communication strategy along with the resolution.

Its also provides the opportunities to discuss the impact of the LEITI, share lessons learnt from implementation and address future challenges for the LEITI. 

Heads of states, government leaders, companies, miners, and civil society organizations, attending the two day orientation.

In a special statement and overviewed of the orientation, C. Mike Doryen, the Chairman of LEITI MSG, congratulated Leiti for being recognized by the media  as a good and reputable institution. 

On behalf of the Government of Liberia (GOL) T. Ojuku Nyenpan Assistant Minister for Revenue and Tax Policy at the Ministry of Finance & Development of planning (MFDP) who proxy for Finance Minister of Finance Samuel D. Tweah jr. reaffirmed the Ministry of Finance budgetary support toward LEITI and commended the institution for their level of trust and transparency.

Jeffrey Nukata Yates, MSG and LEITI Secretariat, lauded the Government of Liberia for supporting LEITI, adding that it shows the government’s unwavering support to enhancing transparency and accountability in the extractive sector.

“I also want to extend my thanks and appreciation to our development partners for the continuous support to the LEITI. I can assure all stakeholders that LEITI will continue to play its role in ensuring that Liberians benefit from their abundant extractive resources”.



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