Liberia Medical and Dental Council Partners with local crime monitoring group to curb fake drugs on the market

Members of the Community Watch Forum of Liberia in 2021

By Joseph Charlie| Contributor 

In an effort to halt the perennial issues of medical complications and sometime deaths due to the substandard medication being applied by unprofessional or ill prepared medical personnel, the Liberia Medical and Dental Council (LMDC) has forged an alignment with the Community Watch Forum of Liberia (CWFL) for monitoring purposes.

Acknowledging that it does not have the capacity and manpower to monitor medical facilities including hospitals, clinics and drug stores across the country for substandard drugs, poor clinical facilities and untrained medical personnel, the leadership of the LMDC will now rely on the over 700, 000 personnel of the CWFL across the country to assist it in monitoring deviant health facilities and ill prepared health personnel.

According to the National Chairman of the CWFL Mr. I. Nyenati Kaffey, prior to reaching an agreement with the leadership of the LMDC for such venture, several personnel of his organization from more than seven counties were trained in Monrovia last year by the LMDC on what to look for when conduction inspection or monitoring to detect fake medical personnel and substandard medical facilities.

Mr. Kaffey noted that because of the reputation his organization has built across the country as the largest civil societal organization in communities working with various security apparatus to deter crimes, arrest criminals and dig out wanted criminals and turn them over to the requisite security apparatus, he was engaged by the LMDC for collaboration, something he has welcomed and mobilized his men for such endeavor.

In another development, Mr. Kaffey has commended Labour Minister Cllr. Charles Gibson for also forging a partnership with his organization to conduct a campaign against human trafficking and child abuse successfully in Grand Cape Mount County after the signing of a memorandum of understanding.

He described the MOU as the first his organization has ever benefited from and promised to execute any such engagement to the fullest with diligence now and in the future.

The CWFL boss who revealed that since the establishment of his organization by the United Nations Mission in Liberia in 2004, it has been working in various communities across the country assisting the Liberia National Police to curb crimes; intoned that the organization is still surviving on commitment and mere volunteerism by its members with no financial and logistical support from public and private institutions.

Mr. Kaffey who is calling on the government of Liberia for support, admonished the local leadership of the  15 counties including legislative caucuses to support Community Watch Forum personnel in their respective counties while  praising the leadership of Grand Bassa County for supporting the CWFL personnel in that county.

He stressed that the CWFL is nonpolitical and therefore count on national government for support to assist security apparatus curb crimes across the country to maintain peace and attract investors.

Mr. Kaffey  has meanwhile regretted the death of the CWFL Acting Chairman in Nimba County Mr. Peter Henry who served the organization for 14 unbroken years and effected the following appointments in the organization in Nimba County.